Have this co worker whom I talk to a lot. He has a tendency for interrupting a lot or cutting ppl off mid sentence. How do I approach this without coming off as a douchebag also?

  1. You keep talking while he’s trying to cut you off and if he didn’t listen repeat what you said

  2. I’d let them interrupt, wait for them to stop while being bored, than reply “great, as I was saying…”

    They will either get what you’re doing, or if they don’t simply explain directly “I don’t want to talk to someone who doesn’t respect what I have to say and interrupts consntly, thanks”

  3. I don’t think there is an easy way to do it,so you just tell them plainly that they need to stop interrupting people having a conversation and when someone speaks let them finish their thought/sentences first.Maybe you can advise them to wait until an opportune time to interject into the conversation or make a comment.

    Then again this is a chronic case so that probably won’t even work or has not worked haha.

  4. Chronic interrupted have BEEN told about their behavior – trust me! They just don’t have the “off switch” to understand that they are doing it (again).

    Wait until they finish and then say “….as I was saying before I was cut off”

    Before the interrupter can continue, cut them off with “I’m sorry but I was not finished speaking yet”…or “Please let me finish what I was saying before you go”

    NOW there is a caveat to this: if YOU are extremely long winded and/or take entirely too long to say things/tell a story/give instructions – and people cut you off, then that is something you need to be honest and self aware about! Bevause people will get frustrated and attempt to “move on” with the convo or remove themselves from it – because you aren’t reading the room

  5. I just interrupt them myself or wait until they finish their sentence and say “I was still talking” or “can I finish first? Thank you”. Works rather well most times. It’s a bit more forceful and helps if the person is particularly disruptive.

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