Jack and I have been great friends for the last year or so, we hang out a lot and and he drives me around often. In the beginning of our friendship I think he may have had some romantic feelings for me but I quickly shut it down and told him we could only be friends and I’m not interested. This was 2 months in to our 8 month friendship. I made it very clear that he isn’t my type for a romantic partner and it hasn’t been an issue since, we’ve just been really good friends. During this time he’s only done causal hookups and it’s never been a problem, we laugh about some of his dates and he shows me pictures of that weeks girl. However, now that he’s had a girlfriend for the last two weeks he is treating me poorly. He still wants to hang out and do things but the whole time it’s like he’s super pissed off about something. He’s turned into a completely different person (mean comment, talking to me like I’m an idiot) Can anyone clue me into his behaviour? Thanks

  1. stop being his friend. To me it seems like he’s treating you like shit bc you didn’t have feelings for him and he’s trying to get you jealous and it’s not working. Seriously stop kicking it with him

  2. You weren’t interested. He hung around a little while to see if you would become interested.

    You didn’t become interested.

    He found someone who is interested.

    He is being respectful to his girlfriend by not having a lady he has been interested in before around.

  3. Love does funny things to you … but also, two weeks? That’s not really long term success. Maybe he’s uneasy with the 2-week girlfriend but can’t work it out with her so his discomfort comes across to you. Maybe the gf is one of those extra jealous types and punishes him for hanging out with you. Maybe he really would rather have you as a gf since he has a comfort level, and this makes him irritable too. Who knows?

  4. I don’t think he ever got rid of his desire for you.
    Sure, friends do drive each other around when necessary, but here it sounds like he was giving one sided favors and preferential treatment to you

    Now that he has a gf, he doesn’t have to try with you.
    Or he is trying to make you jealous, who knows.

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