I’ll start by saying I am no saint. When I was in middle school I gossiped, said mean things, and judged people. I was under the impression that went away as adults. How do you adapt to an environment with very judgmental people that range in age from 22-60 and talk trash behind everyone’s back. I do my best to stay out of it but you spend so much time around these people that when you stand up for someone then you become the bad guy and the next target. And I don’t really care but I want the environment to be more amicable for everyone and not mean girls. Thanks!

1 comment
  1. You can’t change people who don’t want to change. That’s an incredibly tough message to learn, and I’ll even admit that I have trouble applying it sometimes.

    The best thing I can say is to be glad that those people aren’t you. Look to them as reminders that that’s what gossipers and trash-talkers look like to everyone else, and how you don’t want to be that person. Instead of letting them bring the workplace down, use them to influence you as a person. Then you’ll start to appreciate their existence.

    Or, you could get another job, though I am aware that’s very much a ‘cop-out,’ and isn’t always possible.

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