A friend A (22F) invited me (22F) to a concert I really wanted to go to, since there were a couple of extra tickets left and some people couldn’t go. Out of 5 people going, I only know A well. Two of the other people going, B (22F) and C (22F), aren’t my friends – we’ve tried hanging out and I don’t think any of us were feeling it. A, B, and C are a pretty tight-knit friend group, and A and C are the kind of people who pretty much befriend everyone. I don’t really know the last two people, D (22M) and E (22F) – they’re their own friendship pair who aren’t close with the ABC trio. We’re all college students and the concert takes place right before finals week.

What’s bothering me is that they just planned out everything today after I got invited but hadn’t given my response yet. I feel left out of the planning and if I joined I’d have to join their existing plans. I don’t think it would’ve made a big difference to push the planning off for a week or two, although I don’t know for sure. This indicates to me that even if I joined, it would be like an afterthought.

On the other hand, it is a Taylor Swift concert and I don’t think I’ll ever get the tickets again. I don’t know how to broach feeling left out with A.


TL;DR: I got invited to a Taylor Swift concert during finals week. I feel left out and would be going with a group of people I don’t know well. Should I go to the concert or not?

  1. Go with your gut feel…. the fact that you had to ask Reddit is already a red flag.

  2. it sounds like the planning went ahead that quickly because they were excited and wanted to solidify plans out of joy. you were included in these plans so you are not an afterthought at all, you were part of the plan, you just hadnt given input at all. very different.

    go, have a good time and enjoy time with your friend and maybe make some new friends.

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