Mine is I farted while laughing on a first date with a woman I like. 🤦‍♂️

  1. My first kiss.

    In high school we had this weird “block” schedule where our classes were 2 hours long and we would get a break in the middle of class for about 15 mins. The whole school had the same schedule so all the students would be in the halls during the break.
    This guy who I liked, (let’s call him Josh) walks right up to me in the hallway while I was just leaning against the wall waiting to get back in class and kisses me. It was so unexpected especially since I was munching on skittles and had jus popped a couple in my mouth right before he kissed me. My teacher saw us kissing and yelled out “WAY TO GO JOSH” and all the students in the hallway erupted in cheers, applause and whistling. I was so embarrassed I pushed him away and ran to the bathroom.

  2. running to my flight all across ORD and i crashed onto a wall, at least i didn’t miss the flight

  3. Was taking my girlfriend home to meet my parents at their house for the first time. I was driving my mom’s new car. Rear ended a dump truck on the way because I was too distracted thinking about the intro. No one was hurt and there wasn’t a scratch on the truck. The front end was pretty badly mangled, but somehow still driveable. Introduced her to the parents, then had to take my mom aside and say “Oh by the way…”

  4. A fart is a sign that you body process is working in a normal healthy manner. It’s not something I get embarrassed about.

  5. In shop I was hanging off a breaker bar breaking a bracket loose. (I was only 100 pounds) I was doing pull ups on it trying to break it, then I pulled myself all the way up (truck was all the way in the air, 6 feet) and it broke loose. Fell flat on my back, took the wind out of me. It was super embarrassing but I also found it pretty funny myself

  6. Usually they have to do with haircuts! Asked the barber for a fohawk. They gave me a mohawk instead, except their idea of one was to shave the sides really low and leave a cm of hair in the middle.

    Had a friend cut my hair and he shaved too much off the side where you could see my scalp. We tried to fix it creatively. The next day during class, one of my classmates across the aisle is staring real hard at my head and blurts out in the silent classroom, “is that mascara in your hair”?

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