I have a beautiful wife that I love so much!
But just a few days ago I have been having dreams and fantasy’s about her being with someone else. We satisfy each other beyond imagination. We have incredible and very passionate sex multiple times a day. So why am I thinking about this stuff? I have played so many scenarios through my head. It’s never with another girl but always with another guy. Is this normal? Does anyone have experience with this?

  1. A penis in a vagina is a pump, which evolved to pump out semen from other men. So you’re probably just experiencing a very primal fantasy.

  2. This is very normal kink. Do some research on cuckolding and its different sub themes. There are different dynamics in cuckolding where just the act of sharing your wife is all you want (Stag) and the more traditional is where you are degraded as she gets fucked.

    I also have this kink and its pretty hot imo.

  3. I don’t really understand this kink either, but I’m positive that it’s nothing to worry about. From what I’ve noticed a lot of men are into cuckolding

  4. You would likely need a lot of therapy to figure out WHY you think about it. It is not uncommon here.

  5. It’s probably a cuckold fetish developing which can come from any number of things in your past or childhood.

    If there was a time you felt submissive to woman or felt a woman betrayed you or got the better of you. These are how fetishes form.

    Maybe it’s men leering at her in public?

  6. This is an incredibly common desire. Hotwifing, cuckolding, stag vixen – all variations around sharing your wife with other men.

  7. I think only you can answer why you have this fantasy. Seeing a therapist may help you understand why you have this fantasy. Talking to other men who also have this fantasy may help you better understand why you have it.

    There is nothing wrong with having this fantasy. If you and your wife are willing to do this, you and her could experiment with this kink by having another man have sex with her. Experimenting with this kink may help you understand why you have it or what it is about it that is appealing to you.

    If you and your wife decide to do this, then you could watch him have sex with your wife (if all three of you are ok with that, of course).

  8. Could it be that you get off on knowing how desirable she is to other men? Like, you want to be reminded that even though you locked her down, other attractive men would still want her if they had the opportunity?

  9. This is among the most common kinks for guys in committed relationships. This is very normal. Guys often are surprised at how they suddenly focus on fantasies of infidelity. This can be deeply disturbing – the idea of getting turned on by your SO with another guy seems counter to our self-image. Most of us never imagined we would like this – and then suddenly, it’s almost an obsession. Well, welcome to one of the little surprises that evolution left for you.

    What’s going on is, scientists hypothesize, an outcome of human sperm competition. There is a lot of research on this, but the idea is simple. Your SO fucks another male. From an evolutionary perspective – from the perspective of what will move your genes into the next generation, what do you do?

    * Get angry and beat the guy up. Well, you could do that – but 50% chance you lose that fight. And this does nothing to get your genetic heritage into the future.
    * Beat your mate. Once again, this doesn’t help you get offspring. In fact, it could to the opposite.
    * Leave your mate – Once again, this may help your pride, but it does nothing for your genetic heritage.
    * Screw your mate – a lot. Yeah, that’s the ticket. Now your sperm is in the game and might get your mate pregnant before the other guy’s sperm finishes the job. And it get’s better – your penis is shaped like a plunger – and will actually pull the other guy’s sperm out of your mate’s V and insert yours instead. Now you’re competing – your genes get to move on to the next generation.

    Human sexuality evolved long before modern ideas of civilized behavior – and so our sexuality if often at odds with what we really want. This is true of many of our kinks like cuckolding, age play, incest, rape fantasies. How much is due to evolution is debatable. But it looks likely that we are genetically programmed to respond to infidelity by getting excited.

    Well that sucks – it can really mess with your head. Thanx evolution.

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