I’m 18F and honestly it feels like everywhere I look or everyone online or irl has someone . I mean relationship wise . I don’t really have a friend atm either so it’s depressing , only my flaky not very nice couple of ppl from school which I left in June who I’ll see maybe every 2 months or so and all we do it get drunk so I’m not ever actually with anyone or have anyone to talk too cus we’re drunk every time we meet

It hurts to be alone and you start to think you’re a freak . The more lonely I am the more shy and awkward I’m scared of getting . Idk how dating or relationships is . How do people have sex or find a partner it baffles me because now im convinced these what seem to be normal things for everyone won’t happen to me . Being the only virgin in a group of people . Never having had a serious relationship and only a few sexual experiences but no one actually wanting you enough .

Now I don’t talk to boys and dating apps are a waste of time Because no matter how many matches I get nothing comes from them and it just feels so fake and texting gets dull it’s always ‘wyd’ or they’ll compliment me I say Thankyou compliment them back and the convo ends .

I just want to be loved and have someone to love I crave it and I think I crave love and sex and intimacy so much because I don’t know what it’s like so I crave it more because I don’t have the experience to tell myself that it’s not worth it because I’ve never had it .

Everyone seems to have a bf or gf apart from me I just hate who I am and I’m scared to get older and have had no experiences . I just dread everyday because I’m so lonely and depressed

  1. “Feel” and reality is different. Look the news, lok around you. Don’t watch always reddit. Go outside.

  2. Well first thing to realize – Relationship state is not a judgement or prognosis.

    Its really just luck. And being proactive.

    There are a lot of really good people who are lonely. Its not a moral failing or fate. Its just a part of how society is ordered.

    I’ve been that one guy in the friend group full of couples and married for most of my life. You start to notice it more when you are.

    You dont notice your busdriver or cashier. The pc repair guy. The thousands of others you see here struggling on reddit

    Its an emotional ailment this feeling. Amd will come and go.

  3. Confirmation bias. There are literally millions of single people out there, they just aren’t as noticeable in the wild.

  4. Just because you see people “together” doesn’t mean they are actually happy together. Sometimes it’s better to be single and alone than be stuck in a relationship where you’re unhappy. Very few people you see together are actually happy together.

  5. Question: Do you take advice well? Maybe have someone who does know you well like a relative talk to you about any changes you should make. Then listen.

  6. Statistically, I think half of young adults are single? Might be your surroundings; find a social group and see where it leads perhaps.

  7. Statistically, I think half of young adults are single? Might be your surroundings; find a social group and see where it leads perhaps.

  8. For me relation is all about doing find someone with same/completely opposite mentality, silly things, walk thorugh life making memories and slay each other with witty comments and make more of us, have not found the one yet but I am still looking and still hopeful. I am happy and content with the possibility of taking it longer but what I am not willing to do is settle.

  9. I know what’s it like. When I was your age I tried online dating and that didn’t work. I’m 24 now and even though I still don’t have anyone, there are some women who I follow on Instagram that have recently found someone after not being in a relationship for a while. I know it can get lonely in the romantic sense sometimes but you’re still young. I would say don’t be too anxious though to just be with anyone because you can hurt they way. Sometimes I wish I had waited instead of being hurt the way I was but it has happens. I think it’s best to stay to yourself for now and try to meet guys and just be friends especially if you’re on campus. If something comes from that then great. Make sure the guy makes it official after sometime so that you know that you’re in an actual relationship. I hope it works out for you.

  10. Perhaps make an action plan to do something about it?

    Men are significantly more open to approaches by women than the opposite, more typical case. The man will also be clueless to your intentions unless you spell it out, so you can hit on guys all day and most won’t even know you are doing it until you want them to.

    Just find a dude you like the look of, walk up and start talking to him about literally anything. Simple as.

  11. By nature people tend to present the best possible version of themselves. Social media had plenty of vacation photos and photos of their loved ones. Plenty of sadness out there, people just don’t often present it so it often goes overlooked. Anonymous platforms like reddit tend to lift the veil a little bit. There are plenty of people who are lonely and isolated, especially in our post pandemic world. Change is always bound to happen, eventually you will come across something you are looking for.

  12. Your value is not tied to that. Look I’m a guy slowly approaching 30 and never had a gf. So this is relatable.

    Around your age it’s easy for people to get together due to the school environment. But once that passes people get lonely quickly.

    Part of this is envy, part of it is jealousy, but alot of it is a attitude that is a strange combination of deprivation, desperation, and entitlement in a “I suffered enough, I want that NOW!!” type of way.

    There are plenty of guys that feel invisible too. The hopeless feeling gets amplified when you compare yourself to others. So DON’T.

    Be a little more social yes, but also be sure to focus on finding a guy that you find genuinely attractive, masculine, has good prospects, isn’t a nice guy but is a decent human being, soneone who can communicate and be a leader, and someone that will not use you only to toss you aside.

    Be patient, forgiving of yourself, and just learn as much as you can by being consistent in what you do. You can do it, if I can do better you definitely can to. Just don’t compare yourself.

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