Are there any men who wives/girlfriend makes more money than them if so how does it fill, is it intimidating, weird, or does it not matter at all?

  1. I’m disabled so my wife make A LOT more than me. I don’t mind, I just wish I was able to contribute more than I’m able to.

  2. When we worked my wife made more. And no, why would it bother me? It’s our money.

  3. It really doesn’t matter as long as I help where I can and don’t expect her to pay for everything because she makes more money

  4. My partner has always made more than me. I don’t know why it would be intimidating or weird? Like…it’s just more money that we have

  5. We decided years ago she wanted a career and I wanted kids. So she works and I run the house. Been going on 10yrs like that. Works wonderfully for us.

    Most guys I meet say they’d kill for that situation.

  6. My wife makes more than me. Neither of us care. I’m pulling my weight and finances aren’t an issue for us.

  7. My wife makes more than I do and I don’t feel odd about it. She went to college to earn that money and I chose a different route. All that matters is you treat each other with respect and love. However, if your friends catch wind of her making more than you be prepared to have your balls busted.

  8. I don’t work/am a stay at home father, so my wife makes a lot more than me. I never really considered it so it never really mattered. I contribute in my own way, and she contributes in her own way.

  9. When I met my wife I made $60K and she made $175K.

    So naturally I stay home and take care of the kid now. He’s special needs and needs a lot.

    It’s not “intimidating” or “weird,” but I’m not gonna lie to you, it’s isolating and awful and I often contemplate suicide.

  10. My wife makes a lot more than me. It doesn’t bother me at all. She’s a lot smarter and more educated than me, so she goddamn deserves it. I think it’s stupid to get upset about your partner making more money than you unless you’re in the same job with the same qualifications.

    Plus, my wife’s salary means more money for us to meet our goals and enjoy our lives.

  11. Not anymore, but for a period of time my ex-wife out earned me significantly. It was glorious.

  12. I married the doctor my mom wanted me to be. She outearns me, no joke, and we’re fine with it. There’s no inequity with spending or decision-making and we’re on the same page with how we execute our finances. It’s ‘ours,’ and not hers vs. mine.

    It doesn’t matter at more. More money from her means more money for us. We’re married 17 years and rolling along.

  13. When I was younger. Dated a multi-millionaire’s daughter in high school/early college, my wife made more than me when we got married.

    There were a couple stutter-steps early in when I had to confess it made more sense for her to cover certain things or some such but it fades pretty quick.

  14. I’ve not been in that boat, but my brother has. He had a state job and was piling massive amounts into his retirement, plus saving his disability from the military. But because his wife was depositing more money in their bank account from her job she decided to fight about money all the time. He decided to take over grocery shopping so he could pull out cash for mochas and other small pleasures without her picking a fight, or get gas at a place that sold alcohol so could pay for both at once

  15. Wife makes about 2.5x more than I do. It was weird at first because I always had this idea of “providin’ fer mah womern” from growing up in the South, but I realized quickly that this is 202X and the idea that I need to make more money than her as a principle is quite dated.

  16. My partner makes much more than I do, and her family has always been very well off while mine has been the opposite.

    It doesn’t matter at all. It was intimidating in the very early days of our relationship, especially since back then I was making much less than I do now, but it never really became a ‘thing’ for us. I make decent money and could support us if I needed to, we both contribute to the household and pay into luxuries proportional to our income, if she works longer hours then I’ll cover most of the chores, etc.

    It doesn’t bother me at all because I’m not a deadbeat. We both work full time, I just chose to pursue a career that allowed me to follow a passion of mine whereas hers had a higher earning potential. I’ve always been extremely proud of her accomplishments.

  17. Typically a relationship where the female makes more than the man is doomed to fail. Career women(especially older) are likely to divorce their husbands because in a sense the man is not leading financially, and the woman hates having fill that void deep down. Not saying it NEVER works though. But generally, women want a man that’s more successful than them. If the woman starts earning more, the man doesn’t have much time to run it up before she leaves him. And typically the man should WANT to be the breadwinner. I think personality types play a role as well.

  18. My wife is going to school and when she’s done is promised a job that will make more money than I do currently. And then she wants to further her education and try to potentially double that salary.

    I don’t find it intimidating at all, it’s liberating. Financial success and security is way more important than the ego of who the breadwinner is.

  19. My wife makes close to 3 times what I do.

    I am more proud than anything else. She has worked so hard to get where she is and gets a fair compensation.

    I think because we are open and honest about the finances of our relationship there is nothing weird about it.

  20. She makes more. Doesn’t matter. We both work hard. She’s worked incredibly hard over for long time to get to her current position.

  21. Not intimidating at all. As long as she says she’s happy, I take her word for it. It’s not like I mooch off her.

  22. In my observation, the men who are outearned by their wives tend to be hella disrespected by their wives. It doesn’t seem to bother the men as much as the women.

  23. It doesn’t matter at all. Mostly because we’ve gone through times where I made more and times where she has. We just grew it as our collective money as a couple. Every once in a while when we’re low on funds and she can’t just buy stuff, she pulls the I make more money and work hard for it card, but it never works. I’m more financially responsible and can budget better than her, along with making most of our financial decisions, so she just accepts that we don’t have the money in those scenarios and when we do she buys whatever. We both have our strengths and weaknesses and different things we contribute to the relationship, so money is never really a point of contention between us.

  24. My wife makes 5x the money I ever made. I find it awesome. I love her regardless of which one of us makes the most money. This has never been an issue for us.

  25. My wife makes more than me, and I’ve even got a masters whereas she’s got a bachelor’s degree. She’s been at her job for about 6 years, she does it really well, and she’s earned her pay. I’ve bounced around jobs for a while so it’s not really new to me. It’s not worth getting bent out of shape about. We share a bank account and all money. It goes to our family and each other. When we make large purchases we always discuss it first. Being upset about making less money than “a woman” is so silly and outdated. I paint my daughters toenails, do the dishes, cook dinner constantly, love gardening, and always ask for directions when I’m lost. These old mindsets are toxic for men as much as women.

  26. Doesn’t matter. Means I don’t feel guilty when we split stuff and she can buy herself nice things.

  27. Wife makes pretty good money. Way more than I do. It isn’t intimidating. We just have responsibilities that aren’t exactly traditional. I am a stay at home dad. I keep the house tidy and watch the kids.

  28. Doesn’t matter at all in my marriage. Ego stays on the shelf in a locked box when after all the bills and expenses are paid there is still money to set aside fir a nice vacation or whatever.

  29. My ex used to make more than me but she also used to spend a lot more. She would use up a 5 figure paycheck every month while I was saving most of mine. I ended up buying a house after the breakup while her bank account didn’t even have 1 month’s pay in there.

    What you do with your money matters more than how much you make. Lifestyle inflation is really a thing.

  30. It really shows everyone how you see women and how you see the dynamics of straight relationships if this is even a question honestly.

  31. My girlfriend makes more money that me and it makes me proud. She’s a lot smarter and more ambitious than me and that’s one of the things I’m most attracted to. To me, that just means combined, we can have a more enjoyable life together. Who cares who makes more?

  32. I made more than her when we first got married. I never used it as a “weapon”. It was ours. Now she makes a shitload. It’s still ours.

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