So I have a crush on this girl. I always wanted to ask her out and I wanted to ask her out directly not on any social media. But things happened and I ended up asking her out on social media. And she said , she’s not looking for someone to date right now. Although I asked her out in the first conversation we had. Is something wrong here ?

  1. Nothing is wrong – she just most likely is not interested in dating you and it’s a polite way of saying that.

    Just because you asked someone out, it doesn’t mean that they are obligated to say yes, or, there is something wrong

  2. The first thing that you did wrong is to ask someone out without having talked to her some time. You just don’t blab it out. Have a conversation and if it feels right you can ask in the end. I hope you did not start the conversation with this. I hope you ever had a talk in real life first.

    And a woman can reject you whenever she likes to do so.

  3. Nothing wrong at all. She’s told you she’s not interested in dating.

    She doesn’t owe you a relationship just because you have a crush on her.

  4. Yea she probably wants you to try getting to know her more in depth instead of just basing off looks

  5. Absolutely nothing wrong here OP. Spoiler alert. She doesn’t find you ‘cute’. Sorry. Better luck next time.

  6. Unless she’s lying, most of the people found out they not interested in dating they just want to meet new people or are on dating app and forgot to deactivate their account or they’re not in the right mood to build something new.

  7. She was polite and is allowed to say no. Your mistake was asking the first convo on social media. Ask in person IF you’re vibing

  8. nah. she just isnt interested in you. she gave you the classic “not ready to date” line.

  9. Theres a chance she’s screenshotted it to send to her girls groupchat and they’re all laughing at you.

  10. Should have at least talked a bit before but it’s really what we , she’s not interested tbh on to the next

  11. If I had to assess the situation I think she is not looking for someone to date right now.

  12. Random message on social media asking a girl out will almost never work, which is why people recommend against it

    Time to find a new crush

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