This probably isn’t the only thing but I have become a lot more domesticated. I used to live in a very dirty flat. I did the basics but never done any proper cleaning. Since living with my girlfriend I do a lot more. There’s nearly always chores to be done. I don’t particularly enjoy it but it’s probably a good thing.

Other than that I would say I’m a lot more confident and I’m in a much better position in life than before this relationship

  1. Based on the comments on these askmen threads, they’ve prevented me from becoming very bitter and depressed.

    You learn a lot from relationships, about yourself and how to compromise, or are doomed to repeat the same toxic ones.

  2. My previous relationship of 9 years has taught me alot mostly it broke my introverted shell.

    Over 9 years of relationship, I have learned to communicate better and not to assume people can read my mind. Communication was so important in keeping the relationship strong, lack of it is what caused it to fail which also happened in my case. Being matured in how I handle disagreements and not stonewalling is something I have learned as well albeit I’m still currently struggling with.

    I’m currently now open to talking to new people and not feel anxious about it. While Im still an introvert at heart, but I have learned to communicate better because of her.

  3. Can I apply your question to a friendship instead? My best friend and I have been friends since high school and we’ve truly been through thick and thin getting each other through our mental health struggles. Recently my body dysmorphia has been on full blast largely caused by fetish I unfortunately have and never told a single soul in my life about and I revealed it to him which was the most vulnerable I’ve ever been in my entire life.

    He was super cool and supportive about it and really put things in perspective for me. He made me realize I don’t actually hate myself or my body as much as I believe I do and how much mentally stronger I’ve become since high school. I fucking love that I have him in my life and it’s an amazing feeling knowing I can beat this. 💪

  4. Given me someone to try for. 100% woulda offed myself years ago if I didn’t have people who wanted me to keep living.

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