I get really sweaty and since I live in a student dorm, I need some advice. I don’t want to keep my sweaty clothes in my room and I cannot afford to wash it in a wash machine everyday(~2€). Only option that remains logically for me is to wash them while I have a bath with my hands using detergent and a brush. Since I am lazy man, I don’t want to do this, hence I come here for advice. What are some other ways to deal with this conundrum? What do you guys do?

  1. Wash them in the sink or bath after you’ve used them, or buy more sports clothes and put them in a laundry basket when you’re done.

    What ever you do, don’t re-use dirty workout clothes.

  2. > I don’t want to keep my sweaty clothes in my room

    let’s address this point right here first of all.

    why? is it because of smell? if so, you need to make sure they are dry before they sit or are stored **anywhere**.

  3. Buy/obtain more gym clothes to allow you to only wash once a week all your gym clothes. Get a laundry bag or something similar were you can close it up the smelly gym clothes. Fabreze is your friend. Use it on smelly gym clothes and laundry bag. Fold/lazy man wrap clothes in such way here the smelly parts are folded/wrapped inward. Such as pits and crotch of shorts inward keeping smell to the room to a minimum, again use Fabreze. Wash when you out of gym clothes which should be once a week.

  4. I don’t sweat much, so I can use the same shirt and shorts a few times before I change them. Could probably go more than that, but out of principle I just feel the need to wash by that point.

    I’ve never had smelly gym clothes.

    Cardio is a different story.

  5. I have a trash can (with lid) I use as my running clothes hamper. People have only accidentally dumped disgusting garbage on top of my clothes a few times over the years.

  6. There is no need to use detergent or soap every time if it’s just swear. Just rinse them in cold water after gym and hang them up to dry.

    The smell goes away immediately and they are dry and ready for use again two days later or so (your mileage may vary depending on climate).
    Put them in the laundry after maybe four of five uses.

  7. Dry them asap, with a fan if needed. Then you can keep them anywhere without much smell.

  8. They get thrown in the laundry basket and stay there until i wash them. I have more than a weeks worth of clean workout stuff so i have enough between washes.

  9. I hate that I’m about to give this as advice… Trash bag in the freezer. Temps will kill, stagnant the growth of bacteria to reduce smell. Keep it froze until wash day. Works with boat shoes and loafers too. For the love of God make sure who ever you share the freezer with is okay with it.

  10. I’ve been working out 4 to 5 days a week for over two years and I’ve never had any issue keeping my clothes in my hamper like I did even before I began weightlifting.

    Is the smell really that bad? Is your roommate complaining about it? This isn’t as complicated as you think dude.

  11. I liked to hang them up somewhere to dry, and then put them in a closed hamper.

    I don’t know how your dorm is, but the bathroom or out the window could work. If you’re driving to the gym, bring a change of clothes if they have a shower.

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