I 22F met my husband 26M, 5 years ago.
When we met, he had some female friends I didnt like from the start.
One of them was bi 24F (we’ll call her stacy), the other girl 25F was married and they were uni classmates (we’ll call her Mary) and the other was his other friend 25F was his best friend’s girlfriend, but they were friends before she started dating his friend (we’ll call her Judy)
He would sell Stacy and Mary alchohol as it is illegal in our country so my husband was the guy selling everyone booze.
He would regularly chat with these girls as they were his “friends”.
In the beginning i didnt know about them or meet them until a year after our relationship. He told me theyre only friends solely bc he sells them booze and is being friendly towards customers so they’d stay as regulars..
but I noticed flirting like kissy emojis from the girls in his chat and them chatting even at nights which was something he told me he wasnt ok with if i did with other guys. He would usually delete texts between them and when i asked why he said because the chats werent constant or important for him to keep.
He would hang out with Mary after she’d go to collect the alcohol from him for about less than an hour at a park near his house. He even delivered booze to her place one time while her husband was at work. Her husband was aware, but regardless they were together at her place for 2 hours, alone. With his bi friend, stacy, he told me they were “super close” and that she’s like a sister. I saw him tickling her, giving her high fives (which is not his norm thing to do with people) and laughing at her jokes. He kept telling me how closeee they are.
His other girl friend, Judy, he blocked because he said it was “disrespectful” to me to keep talking to her as she was shit talking about me. He also deleted her number but months later i saw he had saved her contact number again.
He would like every single picture these girls posted, but when he moved in, he muted their accounts on instagram saying “see, if i cared about them i wouldnt have muted them prior”
He even once told me that if he flirts with his female friends, there’s no sexual tension. It’s just jokes.
I said to him in a fight the only reason he didnt get any action with them is bc THEY friendzoned him and he said actually Mary was the type to cheat, but he would never give in.
Everytime we fought about these girls, he kept changing his stories like the time he went to Mary’s house to deliver booze, I know he stayed for 2 hours, but one time he says no i only delivered it and returned home, next time he says her husband was there etc.. He also lied that he was delivering booze to other people on that same day as well but i know for a fact that he just delivered it to Mary.
These are just a few examples.
The rest is tooo long and would make a novel.
Until this point, what do you think?
Is this behaviour sus or not?

tldr: I suspect my husband of being a cheater and using the label “female friends” as justification

  1. >I 22F met my husband 26M, 5 years ago.

    So he was 21 and he went after a teenager. So he’s sleazy and disgusting. So I would not be surprised if he is also cheating.

    And the rest? More sleazy and disgusting. The most suspicious part is him changing his stories.

    You need to start thinking about ways out of this marriage. I would also get yourself checked for STDs and stop having sex with him.

  2. Yes, it’s suspicious. But also, you’re married to a guy who is engaged in illegal activities. Dishonesty comes with the territory.

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