I usually talk to anyone about anything and everything. I don’t talk about things that make them feel uncomfortable, and I certainly don’t bring up things that they’re not willing to share. When I have a conversation with someone, it’s coming from a place of value. I’m not here to extract information from them or make them feel uncomfortable, just simply enjoy having a nice talk with them.

I would say most people are like this. However, occasionally some people I meet, pry into my life. Continuously asking questions. The way I see it is its kind of disrespectful. If I haven’t brought up the topic then they should be coherent enough to know especially if it’s a one-sided conversation not to engage further.

– Alas I can’t blame people if they truly aren’t aware of their behavior, so rather than being a bit emotional on the reaction, what is the best way to be polite, yet firm in saying – hey I’m not going to discuss this with you, as it’s not your business, enough – without saying that exactly. So it can be used with family members and friends without burning bridges.

  1. You change the subject. The ability to thoughtfully change a subject and send the message that you don’t want to talk about what the person talked about is a skill that you acquire with practice.

  2. I typically say something like “I really don’t feel like talking about this right now, sorry.” Then ask them a question to change the subject. Some people seem to think this still makes me sound like a dick, but hey its my boundary I’m setting and I’m sticking to it.

  3. Play ignorant, “I don’t know” or “hmm I just can’t seem to remember”.
    If you can’t, you can get away with saying “goodness that’s kind of personal” as long as you smile and laugh it off

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