Hey guys i just wanna ask your advice and your prespective, so im bi 19 yo i meet a guy from datting apps, then he want to meet in real life with me and i asking him about his face but he always dont want to show his face with every reason that he always make, then in the end of the day, I agreed to meet with him and he picked me up at the railway station at that time and there was a bit of an unpleasant experience at that time, when I was looking for him at the exit door he called me angrily while I was trying to find him where , i was really scared at that time and i dont know what to do, then he reasoned angry because i was very difficult to meet at that time, to be honest at that time i was still not sure about meeting him because he didn’t want to show his face, and he tries to keep blaming me. after that incident earlier he took me to my place and he started to be nice to me but to be honest I still think about the incident earlier which gave him a bad impression. we rested in my room then he started asking me to kiss and cuddling, which culminated in having sex, i was honestly a bit uncomfortable at that time especially when he asked me to do an*l sex, i didn’t want to do it at the time but i was afraid if he would get angry, then in the end we do it and I really do not enjoy doing it. i really regret doing that and i wish that time refuse to meet him, now i’m confused what to do, i want to cut-off with him but i’m afraid he will do something bad to me, what do you think guys give me your advice

  1. Block him on all apps and your phone. You did what you had to do to ensure your safety, don’t feel bad about it. Just block him and be more careful in the future. If they aren’t willing to show their face or are aggressive, block and move on!!!

  2. I’m really sorry that happened to you, it definitely sounds like you were sexually assaulted. You don’t owe him anything and should absolutely cut him off. In terms of him doing something bad to you, are you worried about him finding you and harming you? Are you worried about him blackmailing you and outing you because he knows what you look like?

    If he does start to make threats to find you, or show up at your house, the best move is to call the police. In terms of blackmail, it still may be difficult for him to do if he doesn’t have pictures of your face, and even if he does have your full name you can deny whatever he claims about you. Odds are he won’t do either of these things, and I really hope he doesn’t, but that’s not at all to say it’s not a possibility. He sounds like a really scary dude! After you cut him off or ghost him, make sure to block him on all apps.

    I’d also recommend seeking therapy if it’s something you have access to. Hang in there, this wasn’t your fault. You shouldn’t have to feel afraid that saying no to sex will have consequences. Be patient and kind to yourself in this time, and confide in a friend or loved one about what’s going on for you if you can

  3. Tell someone you trust that he is making you uncomfortable, and cut contact. He sounds like a shitty guy. This sounds like abuse to me as an unqualified stranger, but a woman a little older than you. Block Block Block.

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