What’s a little thing that makes you ridiculously happy?

  1. My dick?

    But seriously, i love my leatherman, i have it for 25 years everyday on me and use it daily in work or private.

  2. My dog’s age. He’s stupid,lazy, lovable, and the best pillow ever. But he’s also 17 and his breed normally dies around 10-12. My regular vet is still surprised he’s alive after all his health problems. Fucker is practically Rasputin.

  3. Waking up in a cold bedroom under a big pile of blankets with no reason to get out of bed yet.

    There is something about the contrast of cold extremities and warm core that I really enjoy. I keep my apartment in the low to mid-50s in winter just so I can have this.

  4. Watching my fish swim around in their tanks. I have 3 aquariums and honestly enjoy the maintenance involved with them

  5. Watching my dogs play bitey-face with each other

    They’re a pair of idiots and I love them dearly

  6. When I was a kid the “dad’s love tools” trope didn’t make sense to me. Today though? Shit man, I’d let my girl clap these cheeks for a flat head. Sky’s the fuckin limit for a new table saw.

  7. smoking a bowl and petting my cat tbh can disassociate in peace and tranquility no thinking just the stone and the soft purring cat

  8. my airpods, specifically being able to put them on and zone out. Anytime I’m feeling anxious in a certain place or setting I can just put them on and play some music or delta waves and have instant peace.

  9. When someone close to me hugs me. Doesn’t matter if that’s a gf I don’t have or a friend I consider to my sister. The last time I’ve been hugged was 5 years ago by my ex. I wish someone would hug me but it looks like it’s never gonna happen lol.

  10. Pretty eyes/intelligent conversation.
    Maybe I’m just thinking of a particular lady I’m interested in

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