Do they always come back or is it a big myth?

  1. Matched with someone on Tinder quite some time ago, we got on well and then he disappeared.

    2 *years* later he added me on Snapchat and asked if I wanted to have a baby…

    I blocked him.

  2. My now spouse, then situationship, ghosted me for a while. Like maybe a month or so. Had a surgery and then I never heard from them, it was nerve-wracking. Turned out their family took the phone away so they would rest

  3. Hahaha I had a guy I went out with once and was going to again, but he ghosted. Then another guy I was going to go out with, he even messaged that day but when I asked what the plan was he never answered.

    They BOTH said hey again on the same day however many weeks later. I ignored. Then the guy I didn’t meet tried to match me again. Then the first guy sent on hinge “date 2?” I said why when you ghosted? He said some stuff about being sorry etc so I was going to meet him again…….. then he ghosted. Amazing

  4. My now husband kinda ghosted me for a little while. We had been having an amazing time together so I decided fuck it, I’d reach out to him.

    I told him I had another date lined up soon since he decided to stop talking to me. He told me that he did want to be with me and we made things official shortly after. We’ve been together for almost 6 years now & married almost 4.

  5. I’d been on a few dates with a guy, he ghosted, I was annoyed but didn’t really care, he messaged out of the blue months later saying he’d *been in a coma* and wanted to see me. It didn’t take much digging to figure out he was lying. He kept insisting even after I sent him screenshots of his friend’s instagram with pictures of him that had to have been taken in the time he claimed he was in a coma. Some guys…

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