to start with, all names are changed. my ex Ann (18f) and i (18f) broke up a year ago, which was caused by Ann cheating on me with her “friend” Stacy (19f) on New Year’s Eve of 2022. Throughout our relationship she was abusing me, lying to me, cheating on me with multiple people and i had no clue. She confessed to me on the first of january about cheating and i blocked her on every social media and deleted every memory on my phone since it caused a lot of tears and pain.

In February of 2022 Stacy liked me on some dating app and i also had no idea who it was. After 2 days of casual talking she started calling me names and i immediately got who i was talking with. I had a giant breakdown since my wounds were still new and fresh. I blocked her and texted
my ex Ann and told her numerous times to leave me alone and never appear in my life again. But we met at the start of March on some party and Ann told me that she missed me eternally and regretted everything she did to me. i replied with some shit like i don’t care but i really cared and it made me feel so played on that i decided to never let her be in my life.

Moving on to December, 31, 2022. i was getting ready for NYE party when i got a notification from Stacy apologizing for bullying me online, talking shit behind my back and underestimating what Ann can do. Turns out Ann cheated on me with Stacy and only then broke up with me. She also lied about every little thing that happened between us since she could talk endlessly about our past relationship while being with Stacy. Stacy believed that i was the abuser and i was wrong but Ann cheated on Stacy and broke up with her on NYE just like she did it to me. I didn’t fully forgive Stacy but let her know she won’t be alone and supported her while she cried.

We talked until today when i noticed some changes on her social media account. She was following Ann and her bio said “i luv ann”. so i texted her and asked what the hell is going on and if they were a couple again. Stacy said that Ann didn’t cheat on her and everyone got the situation wrong. I said that my job is done and wished them luck but Stacy immediately replied that we could still be friends.

The thing is that i don’t want to be friends with my exes girlfriend or anything they say they are. But Stacy is a great girl and seems pretty cool. It also hurts to still be friends with someone Ann betrayed me for. I realize that it’s all Ann’s fault and Stacy just got under her influence but i have no idea what to do. If we are friends i will probably listen to this crap about them or make comments but what if it’s worth to try? What should i do?

TL;DR: my exes new gf wants to be friends with me after they broke up and then got
back together due to misunderstanding between them. i want to be friends with her but it feels like i’m doing something wrong!

1 comment
  1. Why do you want to be friends with her?

    The only thing linking you together is an ex.

    There are tons of people to be friends with.

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