Okay so I’m always anxious that people dislike me and find me annoying, and that is one of the reasons I don’t speak to many people anymore, i want to know if anyone has tips on how to know if I’m actually annoying someone or if they dislike me, i have a hard time with that and always get anxious because of the thought that they might hate me.

  1. My tip is to stop focusing on how others feel about you. Instead, focus on the good things you can share with the world: joy, positivity, enthusiasm, warmth, interest in other people, a story to share about yourself, helpfulness, hopefulness, humor…

    Once you become aware of your own value and what you can bring to the world, the opinions of other people become far less important.

    Good luck!

  2. Bro you shouldn’t care if people like you just do u and keep pushing everyone can dislike me but I’m still gonna get that bread u feel me

  3. I think most people are too focused on themselves to expend the energy to hate others unless you really did them dirty.

    Everything else seems more about who people want to voluntarily spend time with, and so this often feels like it tends to just be: (1) other people who they’re already familiar with or used to, (2) yet other people who remind them of those other people, and (3) extroverted or extroverted-behaving strangers who go out of their way and take the time and effort to become more acquainted/familiar without being too annoying or bothersome about it/requiring too much work on the part of the first person.

    I’ve never been able to do the third thing myself, so couldn’t help you if that’s what you’re after. There are these self-help books or somesuch on how to influence people that I believe address the topic, but I’ve wondered how well those age as cultural expectations shift over time. In the end, I think it’s about making it easier/less work for the other person, including by avoiding being overly generous or agreeable to the point where it’s different than what they’d typically expect, but I imagine there have to be a lot of individual and subcultural variations in play that color these expectations.

  4. It’s simple. Have a face to face interaction with people. If their level of engagement and enthusiasm is high, then it will be obvious that they like talking to you. People always reveal who they are in person. But the real issue here is your anxiety. As long as you keep worrying people don’t like you, you are going to come off that way to other people. Perception is reality. How you treat yourself is how others will treat you. Focus on eliminating that anxiety. Read the tips here, especially on limiting your phone usage, giving people space, and being genuinely busy in your life: https://www.reddit.com/r/socialskills/comments/trlexh/how_to_avoid_being_needy_or_stop_being_needy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf

  5. It’s completely normal for people to get annoyed with each other. However, there won’t be any lasting damage as long as you are able to adjust your behavior.

    For example, if you are talking about a topic, and the other person looks uninterested, change the subject and give them a chance to talk.

    Try to find ways to read the other person’s nonverbal cues so you can immediately adjust your behavior if they look annoyed.

    Don’t focus on whether people dislike you or not. This will cause your anxiety to increase, which will distract your focus away from having a positive interaction.

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