I feel like I’m split, we broke up cause of my anger issues and just back and fourth with cocaine. I’ve become such an angry person, she doesn’t deserve it. But she says she still loves me and wants me in her life. Am I able too? or should I keep her in, or should I just let go?
To be fair we’ve both done drugs and or party. I’m just the one who has started to develop severe issues and doing it regularly. I have stopped, but it’s too late.

Tl;dr – should I still keep my ex in my life or should I cut her out? I’m the one who damaged us.

  1. You need to address your substance misuse issues, as well as your anger management. You cannot provide a meaningful relationship with someone whilst in active addiction, nor can you when you’re unable to appropriately regulate your emotions. Cocaine has a direct and negative impact of emotional regulation, it heightens paranoia and gives you a shorter fuse. None of this is your ex girlfriends fault. The kind thing to do here is to take some time, get some help, get clean, and revisit romantic relationships when you’re in a better place and a better version of yourself. Good luck G x

    Edit: grammar.

  2. Look bro, your cocaine and anger have now affected your life so badly that you’re losing something you really cared about.

    Let her go. Take some time to slowly change your life.

    Find some new friends who don’t party. Prioritize spending time with them. Pick up a sport. Read some books. Envision your next evolution of self and become him. Don’t sink, swim.

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