And on a level of 1-10 how grossed out are you about it?

Like, I feel like I can never talk about this stuff with my guy friends…

  1. It’s the shedding of the uterine lining which causes cramping and a change in hormonal levels. It’s not gross nor is it enormously confusing.

    I’ll also go on record to say I’ll buy all the necessary stuff for it for friends too. I’m aware that there’s a stereotype that men won’t. Doesn’t make sense to me

  2. I’ve never been grossed out by it. When I was a teenager I briefly pretended to be grossed out because girls I knew expected that reaction and it made me feel I might be weird for not finding periods gross

  3. Not enough, frankly. But I think the taboo around it is ridiculous.

    Like if you need a pad or something, I don’t really see what the issue is.

    I mean, I pee and poop. It’s along those lines.

    I’d get someone toilet paper if another person needed that, too.

    So why the taboo around periods?

  4. I’m pretty sure we all understand it.

    Not sure why you need to “talk about this stuff” with your guy friends lol.

  5. Once a month y’all shed your uterine lining and it tends to suck a little bit. If somebody reached down in their pants and shoved a chunk of uterus in my mouth I’d be pretty fucking grossed out but in normal circumstances it’s not gross at all lol

  6. Enough.

    Its a normal body function, why should I be able to make fart jokes and be grossed out by that?

    Edit: I only panic when it suddently stops tbh.

  7. assuming 5 is the average, i would say my knowledge is about an 8. i know what happens and why but not in medical terms or many complications. it doesnt gross me out but if you start unaware on my stuff i would be pretty jarred for a second and youre walking me through how to clean it. also if im being sent to get pads or tampons, you better be specific

  8. Well I’m trained in emergency medical care, so I’m probably not indicative of the average Joe, but I’m pretty aware of periods on an academic level and my level of grossed out caps out at a high 2, low 3.

  9. I’m sometimes very selfish and have shit going on, but keeping track with the cycles always made me one step ahead of patterns that could reoccur. So i already had the hot bed bottle ready for her and she was always “how did this fucker know?” haha

  10. Quite a lot, but I’ve been married for 20 years, my wife is totally open about it and I’ve never been particularly grossed out by it.

  11. Women’s menstruation is very unique in the mammalian world. Most mammals just reabsorb their uterine lining but women shed it.

  12. A fair amount, actually. Here in the UK, we’re taught quite extensively about the menstruation cycle in biology class. I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few details over the years, but I still know the important parts, so to speak.

    Is it gross? Yes. Human bodies are gross. Both male and female bodies are gross in so many ways. Let’s not pretend that they aren’t.

    Am I “grossed out” by it? No, it’s a natural biological process and nothing to shame or be ashamed of. I’d probably say a 2 on your proposed scale. Men who are grossed out by it lead pretty sheltered lives imo.

  13. Why would I be grossed? It’s a natural thing. I do understand the physics, the chemistry and the logistics of it. It’s not that hard.

    And I even have bought pads or tampons occasionally, on an emergency. Now that was a challenge…

  14. it can be extremely painful and sometimes when you’re going through it you don’t know which way to face the toilet. so was my ex’s experience.

  15. They are on average 28 days (give or take a week), have 3 or 4 phases (depending who you ask) (menstration, follicular, ovulation and luteal), are managed mainly by 4 hormones (estrogen, progesterone, follicular stimulating hormone, and luteinizing hormone). Completely normal. Nothing to be grossed out about. We can all be adults.

  16. I know everything.

    I grew up with an older sister, a mother, and two aunts. I know everything and nothing intimidates or disgusts me about it.

  17. Quite a lot…. My wife is also very open and I‘m Not grossed out at all.

    Still nothing I would want to talk about with friends let alone work colleagues. That level of intimacy is for your partner.

  18. I have a very good knowledge about the biological background. Funny that my wife had known less about it than I. Obviously I never experienced it. Since we live together with my wife I have a period calendar on my phone to track her period for my own safety. This way I know when she’s grumpy because I did something wrong, or she’s grumpy because of the PMS. It saved me from a lot of unnecesarry argument.

  19. I know it’s not fun, can leave women feeling irritable, lightheaded, and miserable, is a completely natural process, and is something women have basically no control over.

    I’m very grossed out by it, as I am with a lot of natural bodily processes, and more than I am with most due to it being a process my body doesn’t undergo.

    It’s not really something I’d want to talk about with someone (again, like with a lot of natural bodily processes), but if a friend was dealing with it, I wouldn’t judge them about it (unless they’re being a dick, in which case I’ll still cut them a decent bit of slack), and generally do what I can to make the process suck as little as possible.

  20. I have a question for you:

    When girls say they have stomach aches / tummy aches, is it code for period cramps? Or a cute way of saying diarrhea? Or do women really just get stomach aches?

    I haven’t had a stomach ache since I was like 10 years old…

  21. A lot from my studies in physiology and biomedical science. Also, being married a couple of times where it wasn’t taboo or gross. Also, being raised in a house where bodies weren’t ever considered shameful or anything

    I’m not grossed out at all. I’ve worked in medicine, I have a knowledge of the nuts and bolts that’s more than the vast majority of women have

    That’s totally different to experiencing it first-hand though. Nothing worse than a guy with deep theoretical understanding telling a woman how she is supposed to be experiencing something…

  22. It’s a normal part of life, I mean obviously it’s unpleasant, like diarrhea is unpleasant, but I can talk about it, doesn’t cringe me out massively.

  23. Learned some in sex ed but since it doesn’t affect my body specifically I try to help from the outside such as buying tampons, pads etc. for my sisters. I’m also moving out soon so I’ll bring some of that to the bathroom for my women friends and potential future partner.

    Edit: Level of grossness is 0 because it’s literally how women’s anatomy works, how can you be grossed out by that?

  24. I was literally 33 when I found out that women have a set number of periods and are born with a certain amount of eggs. I thought they produced them like once a month until they just stopped at menopause. Felt like total moron for not knowing, clearly wasn’t paying attention when they taught us that

  25. Hormones, uterine lining shedding. Something mysterious having to do with how she poops for some women, apparently making the process of pooing extra unpleasant or the feces itself more foul smelling or just resulting in diarrhea. Abdominal cramping is common but the reasons and mechanisms for it seem to be rather arcane or at least rarely mentioned.

    Intellectually the menstrual process itself is not gross. In practical terms, it usually feels more unpleasant than getting regular old blood on me, especially when it starts to dry, so I prefer to not get menses on me if I can help it. Especially if there isn’t a shower easily available. And regular old non-menstrual blood isn’t exactly the most pleasant-feeling substance to begin with.

  26. I think all you have to say is that you don’t feel good. Beyond that it’s nobody’s damn business so you needn’t over share information about your personal bodily functions.

  27. I know the mechanics and it’s not gross it’s just a thing that happens.

    The symptoms, preferred products and home remedies are what vary wildly among women I know so I’d need a heads up on how hard it’s hitting you and what kind of support you’d like most unless you just want me to trial and error my way through that for some reason.

  28. I dont give a shit, send me an image of the products and i will buy them. Also i know as much about it as anyone else.

  29. My best friend is an OB/Gyn. I know far more than necessary and more than some women. The number of women that don’t know their own anatomy is staggering.

  30. More than you think we do.

    I have bought feminine products for my wife very early in our relationship when we were dating.

    It’s part of life, nothing to be ashamed of, we accept it.

  31. For me at least, the women I know get real coy when it comes to periods, usually cutting conversations short by saying “it’s gross. You don’t want to hear about it.”

    Now the stereotype is that guys like gross things so why would I be bother by periods? Why decide I will be grossed out before you even tell me anything?

  32. >What do you actually know about periods and womans menstruation?


    I’m only grossed out by things like that bloody tampon in the sandwich (OITNB)

  33. I know what it is (shedding of the uterus lining over some days), what you need around that time (extra pads or inserts depending, a blanket, midol, maybe some ice cream), and when to stay away from you if you’re not a people person then.

    And no, I don’t want to talk to you about it; most men probably won’t. I would appreciate a heads up though. You will show me your routine over time, and I’ll help stock up on what you need when I’m out normally.

    I’m not really grossed out about it; unless you start “pranking” me with pads or something. That’s a relationship-ender btw.

  34. I know that women get them once a month. And on a scale of 1-10 I’m a 1 because why the heck would I be grossed out by something that is natural?

  35. I know a good enough amount of it to have a decent idea of what a woman is talking about when it’s in conversation.
    And 1. Doesn’t bother me at all

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