How do I tell the barber respectfully that I want no talk for the session?

I simply prefer nothing over forced small talk or talking about stuff, barbers ain’t discount therapists. Atleast for me…

  1. Took me a while to find a barber who understood this. As I got older I started to just let them know outright how I am socially. Since Covid making it easier to make appointments instead of sitting in a shop waiting has made the experience every 3 weeks more enjoyable and tolerable for me.

    Of course though I am extremely introverted and it may be different for someone else.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Same, I’m very extravert but hate the needless and endless small talk aswell, I’m just like, get over with it and let me be on my way or smth, if it takes too long I also have a harder time reacting enthusiastic on the question wether I like the haircut or not

  3. “Hey man, ngl had a long day at work today so would like to keep this cut low-key if possible”

    Change vocabulary depending on relationship with barber and his / your age

  4. If you keep saying only “yeah” they’ll get the hint. At least, that’s how it works for me. If they ask something I can’t say yes or no to, then I just reply with short sentences. Since barbers talk so much I’m assuming their socially intelligent enough to get the hint lol.

  5. Keep your statements to him polite but as short as possible. He asks you how you are, you say « fine ». You never ask him any question. If he asks one, you answer with the most concise answer possible within the confine of basic social politeness. And you don’t ask him back. He will get it at one point. And next appointments should be smoother.

  6. Write a note saying that you’ve just been to the dentist and you can’t talk because of the filler or something.

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