I’m at like once or twice a day during the summer, but during the colder months I never do it.

Edit: Okay, fine! Smell your HAND after scratching

  1. I think you mean, smell your hand/fingers after scratching your balls, and only occasionally, usually to chwck if they’ve been cleaned properly after washing but still feel moist. (Fuck high humidity)

  2. Do what now?

    Okay, wait… I understand the what.

    Why? If you think they’re smelly would it not be prudent to just go wash them as opposed to smelling them? Cut out the maybe middleman and what not?

  3. Never and if you plan to put them close to someones face, wash your fucking balls and dick, like twice

  4. Only when I think someone will lick them, to make sure they are not offensive as to end the licking and the future lickings from her I hope to earn!

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