When did you have that “ ah-ha!” moment that she was the one?

And if you waited a while, let’s say over 5 years, why?

  1. Well, looking back over all our many moments, I’d say it was probably the positive pregnancy test.

  2. It was a little less than 2 years. In hindsight I probably should have waited longer and maybe I’d have seen that she wasn’t actually the one.

  3. 5 years, because everyone around me that ran and got married quickly, were divorced, separated or just miserable within 2 years. Vowed to be 1 and done and made sure she was the right one.

  4. Whats with americans and the insane marriage fetish?
    Ive been with my girlfriend for 10 years now, and the thought of marriage has never even entered our conversation yet… we are just 32, its waaaay too early to think about that

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