How many friends can you say you have?

  1. Honestly 6. And none of them live near me because of college and two live across the country where I used to live

  2. Eh. Like 5. Lots of people I could decide to hang out with, but I’d call 5 of them friends

  3. 3 really good ones. 3 I consider friends, talk with a lot but I wouldn’t consider them besties. And about 2 people I dont mind hanging out with but I struggle to keep contact with.

  4. 3 or 4 good friends. Several other folks I hang out with or talk to in different settings.

  5. 4 true friends. The kind that would bail you out of jail if they weren’t sitting in the cell next to you.

  6. I have 2 very close friends

    and i have tons of friends i meet in video games, and i have a few friends irl with whom we play mobile games in bluestacks together, but i wouldn’t call them actual friends friends because i don’t feel like they’ll be there for me for all my life

  7. I have one best friend and three close friends I can talk to about deep shit.

    Any other friends I have are friends I hang out with, but we’re not close on a level where we’d have deep emotional conversations, but you know what? That’s ok.

    I’m learning that not everyone is meant to be a “forever friend” and even though those relationships may not go very deep to a point where I’d be vulnerable with them, I do still enjoy hanging out with them and if I can even get a few hours of positivity and entertainment then I consider it time well spent. 🙌

  8. You asked a simple question but probably provoked a lot more thought than intended.

    Friends? I can say I have quite a few, I’m involved in a few different areas socially and am pretty friendly with everyone.

    Good friends? Probably 2 or 3 that I can think of as my best friend.

    Of those good friends how many do I converse with on a regular basis, catch up with regularly, go to for emotional support, have meaningful conversation with or am considered their best friend? None.

    Despite being surrounded by friends, the lack of meaningful connection really gets me down. I love all my friends and I know they love me back, but what I truly desire are friends that I can really open up to. I’m at a point in my life where all my friends have their closer friends or significant others and don’t really “have room” for me. I meet alot of new people and honestly make alot of friends but always feels too late to become someone important to them. But that’s okay. I know true friendships take alot of time and good timing. Even some luck in that perspective. I know I have it better than alot of other people. And I know that it’s out of my control. What’s in my control is how I treat other people and staying true to myself, which I’m trying extra hard for this year. I’m young, and have plenty of time to make new friends, and to keep being a good friend to the people around me. Rant over ty

  9. There’s four I’d call my absolute closest, a handful of long-time friends I keep up with and could count on for support, but don’t see that much, and I don’t know, maybe a dozen or so more casual friends that I enjoy but in more limited ways.

  10. At the moment, I guess around 8 close friends. It used to be more like 20 or so, but not anymore.

  11. None. I had a very large group of people who I thought were friends, but they turned out to be just people

  12. I have lots of ‘friends’ if you consider a friend as a person I know and socialize with on a regular basis. If you are talking close friends or best friends that know basically everything about me it would be around 6 or 7

  13. During my 20’s I thought I had more than I want, now in my 30’s realized they’re only acquaintances and only a few that I can only openly talk/share anything. I can only think of 2 persons

  14. If we take a friend as the “Love your neighbor as yourself” kind of thing but switching neighbor for Friend: Zero.

    Everybody has left me.

    I feel like you got to have some kind of superstar life in order to be interesting to people nowadays. I dont. I havent traveled in over two years. I live a “boring” life. I havent been on Thailand nor Vietnam. My “friends” dont consider me interesting. I feel betrayed to be honest…

  15. It’s really sad seeing how few friends so many men have today. It’s not hard to see why we have so much less emotional support than women when going through a hard time. This is one of the factors.

    I’m going to be quite blunt here, some of us men who are friendless say they want friends, but I can bet 8 out of 10 have never had the will power to take the first step and reach out to be someone else’s friend. A good friendship takes time and commitment, but is rewarding. You can’t wait around and expect someone to appear as your friend, you need to actually spend time with someone. Hard for introverts I totally understand this but it’s a sacrifice. It’s gonna be worth it.

    “But I’m always the one reaching out to someone” yes, and so is every man who has friends, you’ve just never paid attention when they’re also reaching out to people they might wanna connect with. Don’t give up, make yourself known. Ethically ofc.

    Having been there myself I have sympathy for every friendless person, but I have understood the hard way that it’s important to initiate the networking myself. A friend doesn’t just appear out of thin air. It’s a creative process too – Make life fun for someone else, and they’ll associate you with fun and want to spend more time with you. That’s a friend. “Hey bro, wanna go out for lunch tomorrow?” It’s that simple, who knows where the conversation will take you?

    If you want friends, don’t give up, but if you’ve found no one around initiating a friendship with you, you need to man the fuck up and take initiative, remind people how meaningful of a person you are, which is true.

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