So I’ve been seeing my now girlfriend for about 4 months. A few weeks back we talked about our dating history and such. Turns out I’m her seventh real boyfriend and she is only my first girlfriend

We shared how many people we have each slept with, my number was 1, her, and hers was much higher at 17. Turns out she has had lots of casual relationships and flings throughout her early 20’s.

Long story short, I’m looking back and realizing I never really had that phase in my life. I’ve always been a heavier guy and not so confident about my looks. I’ve started getting into shape recently and have had more luck in dating.

It makes me think I could have my own “hoe phase” or whatever you want to call it. I’ve never been able to casually date and maybe now is that time.

I really like my girlfriend though and she has totally fallen for me. I see us together for a while, but I’m also not sure I’m looking for a wife or someone to settle down with right now.

I’m just trying to figure out what I should do here. I think I could have a lot of fun with her, the sex is good, she’s an awesome person and fun to be around and just hang out with. But at the same time I still look at other girls all the time and fantasize.

Any advice is appreciated

1 comment
  1. Break up and fuck whoever you want. If you want to have a hoe-phase then have a hoe-phase. You’re too young to be settling down anyways.

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