I’ve noticed an increasingly annoying trend over the last couple of months, every Sunday at 2am a refuse lorry comes to the road behind my house and empty’s a bunch of bins. It makes a ton of noise as you can imagine, plus there’s the incessant reversing and engine noises.

Because of the dark I’ve not been able to make out the company but I’m tempted to take the reg plate and see if I can see the company name if I go out with a torch. I live near a funeral home which has biological waste bins and the lorry seems to be stopping near them but I’m not sure.

What can I do to stop this happening at this time in the morning? Any help would be greatly appreciated as it’s taking a toll on my sleep cycle.

  1. There are probably noise level laws in your area, use a decibel meter to log how loud it is and at what time, then report it to the appropriate department of your council.

  2. Might be worth getting in touch with Environmental Health at your local council and establishing if there are any actual bylaws or whatever preventing this. At the very least, they’ll be able to give you a steer on the legal position for whatever you decide to do next.

  3. You can certainly ask them to do it at a quieter time, but I wouldn’t hold out much hope. Unless it takes them an hour, it’s likely been part of the impact assessment for the care home.

    Our actual council bin lorries used to come round at 2/3am to empty the general waste and the recycling.

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