Something that pissed you off the most or makes you mad to think about

  1. Constantly tore apart my room for things he lost for over 10 years. Finally stopped when I found out he is fucking terrible at fighting and just used his size to intimidate, his right index finger is still slightly crooked.

    I don’t hold a grudge against him though, his anger issues have screwed up his life. He’s almost 50 and he lives on my property in a cabin since it’s either that or homeless.

  2. My oldest brother did two things.

    1. He once threatened me with a spear gun in the front yard and it went off and skimmed across my hair.

    2. We had a pet boxer dog and he told me that our dad was getting rid of her and I “d better say goodbye to her because when dad got home the dog will be gone.

  3. I knew this guy whos older brother forced the younger brother to suck the older brothers dick.

  4. When I was 8 I had my tonsils removed because I was getting strep so bad they were getting sepsis. I wasn’t able to or allowed to talk for about two weeks. Two days into that, my oldest brother wrote on the white board given to me to communicate, “anon is a little whiny bitch that can’t talk”
    There’s more though. I have two older brothers, they would consistently just fucking sock me in the solar plexus. That ended when I started fighting back, and karma got my oldest brother when he got his tongue pierced, and then decided to eat extra salty fair fries. Cried like a bitch.

  5. My brother used wrestling holds on me when I was a kid and into my early teens. After my brother left our parents’ home, I stopped all contact with him because of his bullying.

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