So today I was at the gym and there was a girl around my age (or 1-2 years older) and she was looking at me quite a lot, she was trying to be as close to me as possible, for example she’d take the bench right next to me or she’d go to the treadmill as soon as I go there. I would try to trade a convo with her but I think that I’ve seen her out with some other guy at the gym which is a friend of mine (not that close that I can ask him if there’s something between them). So it might have been a coincidence but also she could be checking me out but I wasn’t sure if I should talk to her because she might have a bf

  1. Learning to chat with people that doesn’t involve wanting to date is a skill. Practice always…then Find out for yourself ?

  2. First off you shouldn’t be able to not talk to a girl just because she has a BF. Partners that don’t allow/like when their partners talks to the opposite sex are insecure and over controlling. You should be able to talk to this girl as a human being and naturally find out if she is interested in you, has a BF or just would like a friend.

    Second, lots of girls out there who are with guys but aren’t in a relationship. She might find your friend attractive, hangs out with him, and even does shit with him but they’re not in a relationship. Or they could just be friends. Best, to just talk to her worst case scenario is she does have a BF and you have a new gym friend.

  3. Don’t read too much into it but if a conversation naturally occurs, then talk to her.

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