I’ve been out of the dating game for years and am just starting to dip my toes back into the whole song and dance. One thing I’ve *never* known how to do, dating-wise or in general, is how to leave when I’m hanging out with someone. This is one of my biggest sources of anxiety and for that reason I’ve refused to chill even with friends over the years. If I’m on a date with someone and I’m either not feeling it, or I am feeling it but am getting socially exhausted, how do I end the date? Just out of the blue say “Well this has been great, but now I need to go sit in a dark closet for a few hours”?

  1. Something as simple as “It’s been a long day and I should get going” can be enough! If you’ve had a good time, make sure to tell them! That will
    make them feel good and excited for the next hangout, and should help alleviate any fears you may have of feeling like leaving abruptly. If you didn’t have a good time, just say your line and head home!

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