For whatever reason I’m getting more attention from women than I’m used to. Lately (say for the past month) I’ve noticed that women are holding eye contact with me or smiling at me way more than before.

I’m not exactly sure why that is, that used to happen to me only very rarely. But lately it’s happening pretty consistently, at least twice a day and some days up to 5 or 6 times. I can’t think of any reason why that is, my life seems to be the same as before. Whatever the reason I can’t complain!

However whenever that happens it seems that my brain just freezes up and for the love of god I can’t think of anything to say so I end up just walking past while regretting not making a move. 🤦

So any piece of advice is welcome, how can I push myself to talk to them, how to stop being a wuss and make a move?

  1. I’ve been in this position a lot. And for some STRANGE reason, after approaching them, striking up a conversation and asking them out, they always say no.

    I wouldn’t worry about it. You are probably just getting false “choosing signals”. Trust me when I say just because a woman smiles at you doesn’t mean it means anything.

  2. Fight or flight response is kicking in.

    Hello, good morning or good afternoon. Basic simple acknowledgement. You will find that is all that is happening. If she wants to talk, stick to small talk, don’t try to flirt or go for the pickup and to get her number **unless she is she is obviously flirting.**

    She just met you. If she is interested, she will find you again. If you don’t see her again, she wasn’t that interested. There will be others.

    Smile and eye contact can indicate interest, but nothing is 100%. Women smile to make people comfortable, it’s usually a big almost fake smile.

    My rule of thumb is if a woman is being subtle, she is just being friendly. In my experience women are generally indirect but NOT SUBTLE.

  3. Have you perhaps had a change in your overall mindset, feeling more confident in yourself? There could be many different reasons, these for example can change your overall energy to make you seem more approachable, but if you’re freezing up and not doing anything can can come as a defense mechanism, so if you have any limiting beliefs about yourself, those will come to light and get triggered.

  4. It is normal to hesitate. You have to mentally and logically analyse the situation:
    – what is the worst thing that can happen? she is not interested and nothing happens. Nothing would happen anyway if you didn’t open the conversation.

    Don’t try to be fancy. Just say hi, where are you from, etc. At this point you want to get her instagram or her number (better), talk for a bit and set up a date if she is interested

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