In context me (m28) and wife (f29) have been together 6 years discussed this before hand many times and we both are on the same page of we do not want children. now we decided to wait until she turns 30 to make a final move/decision. we are in that time frame now and we have not change options personally for me it became more of a no. so i went to a doctor and all to get the initial appointment and pretty much just need to call to schedule the procedure in the next 5 months of time. now i do not feel or felt is a bad decision is more the issue of it is a big decision and shouldn’t be taken lightly so i want to know opinions of men and woman also on how they felt afterwards. like mentally you were okay with it how did you feel physically? with the years have you regret it? Just want to know and hear from different perspectives

PS we considering vasectomy since it is easier for me to get the procedure done that her an hysterectomy and is also less dangerous. she supports my decision but she also says the final one has to come from me since it is my body and also in case she dies or we are not together in the future I would live with it pass our relationship.

  1. I always thought a vasectomy for men was able to be ‘undone’, because they put a knot in the vas deferens.

  2. I got one a few years back. It had no effect on me mentally and, apart from some soreness for the few days after the procedure, no effect physically either. I’m very happy with the decison. It allowed my wife to go off birth control which has had a very positive impact on her health, which is an added bonus.

  3. One of the best decisions I ever made, if not the best. A few days of mild discomfort, no change in feeling or anything, nothing bad happened.

  4. I had my vasectomy done 15 years ago after our third child was born. My wife and I decided this was the right size of family for us and I volunteered to get the procedure done as it is much easier. The procedure itself was quick and a day or two with frozen peas and felt good as new.

    I did have a period when it felt odd that I would not be able to have anymore children. Just fleeting thoughts every once in a while, but the rational mind would always center me with the realization that this was the right decision and it was the right thing to do. Those thoughts have long disappeared and have not thought that way for a long time.

    Long run it was the best decision as my wife did not have to stay on birth control. And it is SOOOO nice not to have to wear protection.

  5. Best decision of my life, and really not such a big deal. Felt nothing unpleasant during the procedure, then two days on the couch with ice and not so much as an Advil. No changes to my sexual performance or experience whatsoever except that sex is way better with the anxiety of a possible unwanted pregnancy and I never have to pull out again!

  6. It was fine. The worst part was getting numbed up, because it was a needle in each ball and one in the scrotum. It hurt, but not as much as that makes it sound, and it was brief.

    I will say that unless they tell you to, don’t fast beforehand. I didn’t eat breakfast, and I fainted on my way out of the office. I did get some free juice and a bearclaw out of it, though, so decide for yourself.

  7. A hysterectomy and a vasectomy are in no way equivalent procedures. Why are you even considering that?

    I had a vasectomy at 32 after 4 kids, best decision. My wife is happy and relaxed that we won’t accidentally fall pregnant again.

    Physically it’s not a big deal. Local anaesthetic, no scalpel procedure that cauterised the tubes and used titanium clips. If you listen to the advice on recovery and don’t do anything strenuous for a day or two it’s back to normal in no time. The only horror stories I’ve heard are from guys who have pushed it too hard too early and gone back to work/fishing the next day.

    For me it was a no brainer, but you having no kids and being under 30 complicates things as you don’t know what you’ll want in 5 or 10 years time. Some doctors might advise against it for this reason, but the world is overpopulated and the procedure is reversible…

  8. I haven’t had one, but my dad did have one and he felt the need to warn me that I should never get a vasectomy.

    So, I assume his experience is very negative.

  9. I got my vasectomy when my marriage ended. I’d have gotten it sooner, but she got her tubes tied when we decided not to have more kids (largely because it was easy to do alongside the c-section).

    No emotional or mental feelings about it when the time came. Physically, it was a little pulling and weird feeling that comes with being numbed, but was a pretty quick process and didn’t “hurt” properly outside of being sore.

    Within the week, I was fine having sex and orgasms again, and otherwise there was some occasional soreness but nothing important. Testing a few months later confirmed it worked, and the mental load removed by not having to think about pregnancy has been amazing.

  10. Got the no-scalpel procedure several years ago. All I felt were two little pinches of pain when they injected the anesthetic; some dull, but manageable, pain for the remainder of the day; and then that was pretty much it for me. I was able to go about my normal routine the next day, though I wouldn’t suggest doing anything too strenuous just in case. Just make sure you follow the doctor’s instructions to make sure you’re all “cleared out” before you and your wife get intimate.

    >PS we considering vasectomy since it is easier for me to get the procedure done that her an hysterectomy and is also less dangerous.

    Do you mean tubal ligation? Because her getting a hysterectomy would be like you getting your balls cut off.

  11. r/vasectomy has some good stories. You should post this question there or check it out.

  12. Procedure – It took 15 minutes and I talked with the doc about music while he worked. A few mildly unpleasant physical sensations but no actual pain. I’ve had a cavity filled before, a stye removed from an eyelid, and warts removed. All of those were vastly more physically uncomfortable, painful, and unpleasant than the vasectomy was.

    Recovery – I followed doctors orders and recovery was quick and without problems or significant pain. For me it was about 3 days of avoiding unnecessary movement, a couple more of taking it very easy, and another week before starting in with anything sort of strenuous like light exercise. I was on a major hiking trip by the 1 month mark.

    After – Mentally, it was like a major worry lifted away and I find sex far more enjoyable now. Physically I’ve never felt a single negative issue.

    YMMV – no surgical procedure is 100% risk-free, but many of the few issues that occur to be in part from either idiots who didn’t follow the recovery instructions or inexperienced/unfamiliar docs who rarely perform the procedure. Don’t be an idiot, and find a doc that does this regularly.

  13. Easily the best decision I ever made. Or at least, it would be if I even needed a decision. As a CF man, let me impart some wisdom to you and your wife. Nobody *chooses* to not have kids. You’re either born to eventually want kids or you can feel it in your bones that you want to never have kids.

    Everyone who has to think about it is just lying to themselves.

  14. I had the no scalpel procedure and I highly recommend it. The procedure was easier than getting my teeth cleaned. Make sure you plan to take a few days off after – moving around will be hard so you’ll need to stay off your feet.

    Follow the post-op instructions, particularly testing requirements, strictly.

  15. My friend was married for 10 years with two kids, he decided to get one, then his wife decided to get shacked up with a woman seemingly out of the blue. I wouldn’t recommend anything permanent, you never know what life throws in the way

  16. better question do you have the video because vasectomy is the coolest surgery to watch. I still remember coming home from school and watching The Operation on TLC (back when it stood for The Learning Channel) and it was incredible. Dude is awake the whole time, the whole thing took minutes and then the guy just walked out. This is what civilization was developed for. I’ve found a few on YouTube and it’s still thrilling.

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