What does it seem like people don’t do anymore, though you’re not sure if society has changed, or maybe its still happening, but you just aren’t around it anymore?

  1. Giving a fuck about how much energy they use for personal transportation.

    I mean in general, before Russia invaded the Ukraine.

  2. Allowing themselves to be alone with themselves.

    Now they can avoid that, even taking a walk from their car to a store, by playing with their phone.

  3. Wash their car by hand in the driveway.

    I have owned a house for eight years in a suburban neighborhood in the states, and have never once seen anyone outside in the summer washing their car.

    When I grew up, this was an almost weekly thing, and my friends and I loved washing our dad’s cars as kids well into middle school. It was a normal scene on the weekend to see multiple dudes or kids spraying water at the cars and sudsing them up, or ride my bike past a house that had a soaking wet driveway with soap suds at the end of it, and you knew that they had recently finished.

    I literally have not seen that in like 20 years. Even though I’m sure people still do it. But maybe not.

    Plus, there are **so many** car wash places around here. Every gas station has a car wash facility attached it, and there are standalone car wash business all over the place with cheap rates and multiple stalls for vacuuming after.

    It’s got me wondering if washing your own car is a lost art and not common anymore.

    Edit to add: I have washed our car in the driveway a few times with my young kids. They think it’s a blast to put on their swimsuits on a hot summer day and wash the car with their old man while they play in the water from the hose lol

  4. I haven’t seen a man introduce himself to a woman in years other than my buddy that we had to push to do so at a bar.

    “Should I go talk to her?”

    “She’s sitting there alone for a reason dude.”

    “Okay, I’ll go talk to her.”

    *Takes a couple sips of liquid courage and strikes out like a bad ass.*

  5. men no longer approaching women, or attempting to flirt with them (in person).

    social media, alongside the different feminist movements.. has seemed to deter the majority of men from wanting to deal with any possible negative overhead.

  6. Socialize with strangers at bars.

    Also you don’t see “regulars” anymore. Probably for a lot of good reasons.

  7. I had a glimmer of hope during the Pandy when all the kids came out of the woodwork and onto the street, riding bikes or walking to town together. Had to pull a couple of them down off the roof of the school, that was a real throwback. Hope they keep together, hanging with your buds outside was a cornerstone of my youth.

  8. Talk to their neighbours and generally know a lot of people living near you. My parents used to know everyone in the neighbourhood where I grew up. I know hardly anyone, I legitimately couldn’t tell you the name of the guy living opposite to me.

  9. short courtships with an end goal of marriage in mind. i suppose that’s more Christian culture but everyone’s just partnering up these days

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