My boyfriend (18M) and I (19F) have been talking about this for a while but there’s still a lot we don’t know. I don’t plan on having kids but we still want to be able to have fun. Buying condoms all the time would be expensive. We’re also considering him getting a vasectomy, but that wouldn’t be for a few years and it’s a lot of money.
I’m wondering if I should consider bc. But I do not know how effective it is or what the best kind to get would be. Any tips or suggestions for this situation?

  1. You guys realize that him getting a vasectomy is most likely permanent? It can be reversed sometimes but it’s to be considered a permanent procedure meaning he would never have kids.

    Lots of docs won’t perform it on someone so young without kids.

  2. The expense of condoms would be much less than the expense of child care. Double the protection. Get on birth control yourself (Discuss options with your doctor), and still use condoms.

  3. Best thing is to use two methods, condom and pills/IUD, especially if you are against abortion if there’s ever an accident.

    Vasectomy is also pretty good but it is considered permanent. So your bf would need to be totally sure he doesn’t want childs ever, not just ok with not having kids since he’s with you but if you ever break up, he might want some. Vasectomy can also fail, either cause it was done wrong or cause it healed itself over time. That’s why you do a test a few months after and they suggest doing it again some years later.

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