My boyfriend’s friend was single for long period now.And he had a toxic relationship before and wanted to get over with it.Since we are kinda close he asked me to find someone for him. So I told him about one of my single friend who never dated before.She’s pretty.We aren’t besties but close enough to know each other pretty well.
And he fell for my friend and asked me to help with it. So I told my friend about him and how he helps me with my relationship.Later my friend was impressed with it too and told me she will talk with him.
A week before when I faced time with my boyfriend he told me that my friend said yes to his bestie and now they are officially dating.I was so happy and tear up for the good news.And I told him not to hurt her and take good care of her.
But since then time passed and my friend didn’t split a word about their relationship.I was a bit confused whether the guy mistook about their relationship.But today I saw that my friend commented on her new secret boyfriend’s post as ‘Gear up to the roller coaster ride ahead’ which will probably meant about their relationship.
But she never revealed me about it yet.I am the reason they got to know each other but why can’t she share this thing with me.Which she already knows that my boyfriend will tell me about it.
When I tell others about this they scolded me for doing something like that 🙁
Really need your opinion on this and please feel free to share your experience.

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