Do you always love unconditionally or did a specific person(s) bring it out of you?

  1. I thought I did every one of them. When I love, I love hard. But truly, my primary partner is the one who showed it back and I knew he would love me the way I love him. ❤️

  2. Every single one, even the one night stands.

    I’m very much a “love everybody” person, cuz love is awesome and feels good.

  3. Either all or none, depending on how one defines “unconditional love”. My therapist shared with me the book *Love 2.0*, which argues that all love is conditional. I’m still on the fence with whether or not I agree with the premise.

  4. I thought I loved my ex husband unconditionally. I was attached to him, I was co-dependent, I was his fixer, but now knowing what I know about love (unconditionally or otherwise), I can fess up and admit that maybe I didn’t love him unconditionally.

    My current partner is a different story. When I met him I already had a much better understanding of what unconditional love looked like, so when he came into my life, I was more prepared to love him that way. It takes practice but I absolutely do! So yes, he does bring it out of me as well.

  5. You can still love someone even after splitting up so I think 3 which is the number of serious relationships I have had

  6. None. They had conditions for me and vice versa.
    It’s naive to think everyone who isn’t your parents will love you unconditionally.I loved them but not enough to lose myself for them.

  7. 0 my love is conditional. I love my partner more than I have ever loved anyone else in my life but if he were to say, cheat on me, that would be the end of that. I know he feels the same too.

  8. Although I’ve been happily married for 20 years I don’t think unconditional love is healthy unless for yourself or a child.

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