I know this is a very complicated question but how can i accept my body when i don’t like the size of my penis? it’s been years but i can’t find a way to feel comfortable when i see myself in the mirror pls don’t troll this is a serious question.

  1. Usually the 2 possible solutions is self-love path or therapy. The 2nd method is straight forward, the first one involves a lot of reflection and a few affirmations if needed.

  2. I mean what are you hoping for? Like 10inch love truncheon?

    You just got to accept what you have. If you can’t then you need help from a professional.

  3. There are so many more valuable experiences in the world than the sex itself. And I bet your willy is completely average, stop watching porn. Those guys are nothing like average humans. If you’re fat you know the way. Consume less, spend more. Find a way to force yourself to start moving until you see change on your body. After that, everything will be easier.

  4. Strive to be the best in bed at everything. You do good enough job she’ll be worn out before you’re even ready for the main Act. The less the main act matters to them the less sensitive you will be about it.

  5. Kind of depends on your shlong.

    The reality is – men with a 4 inch dick and a 12 inch dick both wish for a bigger dick.

    An frankly, without surgery, your junk is nothing you can do about it.

    There is no third leg day in the gym.

  6. Therapy. Also a lot of people think 5 inches is 3 inches and think 7 inches is 9 inches so don’t read into that too much.

  7. Everyone is different; some strong, some smart, some funny, some are man donkeys…… some have it all…… focus on your strengths to minimize your weaknesses!

  8. Accept what you have or go for penis extension surgery (yes, it exists). I used to be overweight and my dick looked bigger after I lost a bunch of weight too. Hope this helps.

  9. You need to stop living for somebody else’s standard. There is only one you. Live to better yourself, first. You strive to become THE STANDARD (what makes you happy). Then once you’ve mastered that. Teach it to someone else.

  10. Just keep telling yourself “I’m a hot ass mf, I got it, and nobody can tell me otherwise and bring me down!”
    That really helped me. Don’t listen to other people, or that extreme self-critic in the back of your head.
    Also brother, I’m sure your penis is perfectly fine, and size really is irrelevant. I know this is corny but..it’s all the motion of the ocean.

  11. Over your lifetime, what percentage of the time will anyone be seeing your penis? Also, how many life activities won’t involve it?

    Its importance diminishes with age.

  12. Most women can’t climax just from penetration, so penis size isn’t nearly as important as you think it is

  13. Learn to accept that which you can not control, find the strength to control the things you can, and acquire the wisdom to know the difference.

  14. How big is your penis? As long as you’re not a micro mini then you can still have good sex and relationships. Dont let porn and feminist demotivate you into thinking that you must have a horse cock or you’ll never get laid. If you’re fat then loosing weight will help.

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