So my girlfriend(18f) and I(18m) have been dating over 7 months now and before I left home our sex life was amazing.I’m currently in the military so I’m very far away from home.But the thing is nothing really has changed(in a bad way every change has been good) even our non existent sex life at the moment.Like she makes me crazy horny for her and somehow I make her crazy horny for me.We are still somehow doing this even from long distance and I don’t know how I’m doing this.Like we send pictures and send spicy messages to each other.Like yesterday she got her bellybutton pierced and mentioned that she wanted to get her tits as well.At first I was a bit standoffish but when I imagined her with those today I was like completely hornybrained like I don’t know how and I called her when I got out of class and told her to get it done as she would crazy hot.I don’t know how the hell I got here but I love her to bits (mostly for non sexual things)but god damn I’m lucky

  1. This post made my night! It’s great to have a soulmate, somebody even halfway around the world that can light your heart on fire. When two people click, with true energy and chemistry anything is possible. Congratulations!

    Thank you for your service. Good luck!

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