The guy I’ve been sleeping with for a while and I were hooking up one day. After he finished he knew I was still horny and wanted to have sex. I was sitting on top of him and he put his dick in me but asked me not to move, has anyone else every experienced this? Why would a guy want to be inside a girl without her moving? I thought it was really sexy and hot but also was really confused.

  1. Because for (most, not all) guys, the penis is extremely sensitive, to the point of discomfort, after nutting. So this is literally all he could manage without it being super uncomfortable.

  2. it feels really after a good climax to be inside someone. Just feeling the pressure and still being hard is amazing. Especially if she bears down slowly and with consistency force. No friction, that’s what hurts.

    I personally like the pain and pleasure together. But I’m broken🙃

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