I have been arrived for 5 years and I constantly have to beg my husband to do more than the bare minimum. I’m 33 and he is 44 he is from west Africa and he is really a nice guy. He only pays the car insurance and now the light bill he says he just can’t afford the rent for our new apt that is now 3300 he admitted and apologized for doing the bare minimum in the marriage after 5 years. I recently used the GPS that we have on our phones to locate him and actually have a video of him getting in the car with a woman he says is a former co-worker. He needed a ride home after dropping off his car to a dealership but let me tell u the strange part. He dropped the car off went to multiple grocery stores. Told me he was at Sam’s club but never mentioned that he had already dropped off his car and was riding around with this woman. So I asked him if he needed me to come get him fro. The dealership “not knowing he had already left” and he said he would let me know in a few. So the GPS showed me he was close to the house at a store in the neighborhood and I hid in my car to watch him come out carrying the groceries of this woman. I watched him drive off and that’s when he called me after not picking up my call that I could come pick him up from The dealership. If it was an innocent situation why nit have the woman drop u off at our home which was 2 miles away vs having the woman drive u to the dealership which is 4 miles away from home. When he got in my car he appeared kind of suspicious of me like tracking my eye movement. When he got into the car I asked him where all he went and if he was alone and he said “yes I was alone all day” that’s when I showed him the video and pictures of him getting in the car of the secret woman. He stated he didn’t tell me because he knows I’m already suspicious of him and that he knew I would over react. We have been having issues like in a 3 year period we have only had sex maybe 7 times all due to me having periods of BV and I think he is also in early stages of impotence. So I told him that I want a divorce because he lied and I don’t know if I can tolerate anything else from him. No love no affection or intimacy and now lies in the relationship. I try to not think he didn’t marry me just for a green card but he does not show any reaction to our discussions until I tell him that he must move out

  1. Seems to me you got it figured out (and I say this in a good way). It’s going to be tougher before it gets better.

  2. Yep, he’s up to no good here. It almost sounds like he was waiting to get caught. Some people do that when they really want out of a marriage but don’t have the stones to just say so.

    Sorry to hear you are going through this.

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