What’s your take on your partner “dressing you”? Eg, buying you clothes in a style that isn’t what you used to wear before you met.

  1. I’ve had controlling relationships in the past so I wouldn’t want this, unless I really trusted the person and they knew their stuff (e.g., if my girlfriend was a hairdresser I’d respect her style advice about my hair)

  2. I’m cool with it as long as I feel genuinely comfortable in it. If it’s not me then I won’t wear it.

  3. Depends if it’s controlling or actually suits you.

    If she’s buying you a pair of actual pants when you lost control of your life and wear sweatpants outside is barely controlling.

  4. Depends on the reasoning. If it’s for day-to-day around the house and work then I’d be concerned she was too controlling. If it’s for a legit special occasion and she wants me to look nice (I’m not much of a dress up guy so I often trust others judgement) then I’d be a little flattered someone cares for me enough to be concerned about my appearance.

  5. If they knows you, they will choose the best for you, because they know in what things are you comfortable and in what things you are not.

  6. Every single one of the women I have been in long-term relationships with have done an excellent job of making sure that I look good. I’m lazy as fuck when it comes to dressing. Give me some jeans and a t-shirt and shoes that fit and I’m good to go.

  7. If she buys something that is obvious I want to wear, sure. If she would buy clothes she would much rather want me to wear, that won’t work and she basically can send em back right away.

  8. Clothes are some peoples’ kink. In private it’s fine, in public it depends on how much she’s trying to embarrass me. I’ll put up with a certain degree of that.

  9. She works corporate for J. Crew and attended Parsons School of Design so her sense of style is much better than mine. I have no problem letting her dress me lol

  10. One reason women seem to like me is my style. So I haven’t encountered this much; however whenever I do it’s usually because they recognize my style and can contribute.

    I think it’s flattering.

  11. My first gf got me into jeans I don’t even know why I didn’t used to wear them but I used to wear just combat and track

  12. mine does it to turn me into a sexualised Barbie. But, i look and feel good in the clothes, so it’s fun!

  13. I have my own fashion sense and would prefer to choose my own clothes. Some dudes have shit fashion sense and need all the help they can get though.

  14. I live at the beach. I surf, I fish. I wear boardshorts and tshirts or singlets. My wife tries to buy me grown up clothes and they are never worn.

  15. Depends on if it’s one or two outfits or they’re trying to change my whole wardrobe. When I was dating I got enough compliments on my personal style to not need someone to dress me but I’m ok with trying something new here and there. Also depends on if she’d let me pick an outfit for her or not.

  16. It’s a fun little activity to do together, but it would be weird if they insisted on doing it like, every day

  17. As per my boyfriend he prefers what i buy for him.i am(21F) ,he mentioned his friends complimented his dressing style post meeting me quite a few times,so everytime he’s shopping he asks if I like it or not.

    On the other hand, I don’t force him to get the one I chose,I just let him know my views and he has the final word. Also, I try to pick the best suit for him as per my pov because I love him and want him to look his best.

    So yeah it’s kinda a mutual decision. Similarly everytime I’m confused what to buy I go by his choice. Yeah sometimes I feel like a particular piece stands out so I kinda emphasize him to get that one purely on thr basis of it’ll look good on you I believe as a friend. That’s it

  18. I mean if you dress like an absolute weeb then it could be a good thing. Tons of guys go through life without having proper nice clothes, and many others don’t know shit about how to dress themselves.

  19. No thanks.
    Had a girl once that tried to change my dressing habits, she was a narcissit control freak.

  20. Your SO is is suggesting that you look more like what they find attractive. If my wife thinks I’ll look good in something I’ll seriously consider it. Usually she’s right but I have a few hard no’s mixed in.

  21. We have made an agreement: If my wife buys clothes for me, I have to wear them, and if I buy clothes for her she has to wear them.

    And I tell you, there has been zero complaints.

  22. I know how to dress myself, I do not need the help.

    But, if she is trying to help or has suggestions and does it in a reasonable manner? Don’t care. She might teach me something I do not know. Live and learn, right?

    If she is doing it because she wants to change me into someone I am not, then I would have an issue. So, as always, context and intent matters.

    This goes both ways. I would not want to change her or make her wear things she is not comfortable with, either. So, you know, equality of the sexes and all that jazz.

  23. Some(a lot of) men are total slobs and could definitely use some guidance. However there is a line where it just gets controlling and alarming.

  24. It’s nice to try new stuff- way too easy to get stuck in a rut. Even if you don’t like a certain item, articulating why it doesn’t jive with you can help you to develop your style.

    When it comes down to it, my wife’s recos have been pretty spot on.

  25. Used to hate it. But then I would wear something out to “keep the peace,” and I always get compliments on the clothes she bought. Can’t argue with that.

  26. I had absolutely zero sense/care about style before meeting my partner. She took me out to get a whole new wardrobe and I still ask her opinion on what looks good with what. I can’t see anything wrong with letting somebody help to improve your style and I openly admit to people that she picked my outfit if they make a comment on how it looks. There’s no shame in it and if your friends/family want to make fun of you, it says more about them than anything else.

  27. When I was single I purposely did not buy brown clothing of any sort. From my understanding brown clashed with some colors. So I only bought colors that I thought I knew didn’t clash. She helped me buy brown stuff and I’m cool with that.

    I know she would would love it if I wore cowboy/western clothes. We live in AZ so that really isn’t an issue about looking out of place, I just dont care for the style and she knows that so she doesn’t push it. I’ve bought “cowboy” boots before for wearing with my motorcycle. But I HATED them so I go rid of them. I have lace up boots that have a more western look to them, but definitely wouldn’t be considered “cowboy”.

    She led me astray once and it’s funny. I start work really early and she was a stay at home mom, sometimes times I would wake her up to look at what I was gonna wear for the day. One day she wasn’t really awake enough to see what I was asking her about. She said yes so I went to work. When I got home she asked “is that what you wore all day?” “Yeah, you said it looked good” “hahaha I guess I wasn’t awake enough, it doesn’t match at all”.

  28. Since my “style” consists largely of pop culture or sports clothing and little else my fiancée took me shopping when I got my first full time teaching position. I had some say in what I bought but ultimately it was all her. I didn’t mind it one bit.

  29. My ex used to literally ask me to dress him before we went out (like to dinner and stuff). He was always honest and if he didn’t feel comfortable we would just get something else. It’s not that big of a deal

  30. you should embrace that. someone who is prepared to think about clothes in any way, how they suit you, how they fit, how you look in them, the whole thing is awful so if someone cares about you so much they want you to look good for strangers you should sign up

  31. I usually would wear sweatpants or gym clothes after work. I wear a uniform all day and the last thing I wanted to do was wear nice clothes after work. However, my current girlfriend took me around to get a few very nice clothes for certain occasions. I never really dressed super nice before meeting her. I didn’t have style so I just bought comfy clothes. Having someone do that for you in an non controlling way is really nice Atleast to me.

  32. I’ve been married 22 (almost 23) years. When I met my wife, I was in the Navy and besides uniforms I owned 3 pair of pants, 5 shirts and 1 pair of shoes. After our second or third date, she started buying me clothes and it’s never stopped. I don’t know shit about fashion, so if she buys it, I’ll wear. She knows my taste in colors and doesn’t usually stray far off the mark.

  33. I don’t care as long as I look good.

    I’ve always listened to women when they tell me something looks good on me.

    Letting my wife pick stuff for me has made me look better than I otherwise would have

    I do the same for her. Plus, she’s the one I’m trying to impress, so why wouldn’t I let her pick stuff for me?

  34. If it looks good, I’d be flattered! And maybe a little turned on, I like the idea of an assertive partner encouraging me to become their fantasy himbo.

  35. Every time I’ve let a girlfriend buy me an outfit or make grooming suggestions I’ve gotten compliments / looks from other women. I’ve got a pretty good look going on now and it’s all thanks to exes and my current partner. I look back at 20-something me with my neckbeard and shitty poor-fitting clothes and laugh and am surprised anyone ever wanted to date me.

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