What’s the craziest or most out-of-character thing you’ve ever done?

  1. Was in a situationship with a guy and would beg him to let me come over so I could see him. He made it clear that he didn’t want a relationship but I was so convinced that I could change his mind. I have so much compassion for younger me and bless her heart 😅😭

  2. A Conservative MP visited my school for a Q & A session for girls who wanted to enter politics.

    Her policies were, to say the least, set in retrograde. I have never been in trouble at school. Not once. I was a goody two shoes incarnate.

    So when I shouted “Fuck off, you fossil” and stormed out of the room with my middle finger up I didn’t quite believe I had been piloting my body with my brain engaged.

  3. I’m telling the most out of character thing I have done as a kid (bc I have WAY too many moments). In school, I was seen as a goody 2 shoes, straight As, kind student. Anyways, in year 2 there was this boy we’ll named, Matthew who was my table buddy (unfortunately).

    One day Matthew wasn’t doing his work and instead was talking to his friend. I got fed up with it after telling him to do his work 4 times and he insulted me, so I hit his ankle so hard he started crying. Got in trouble but so did he.

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