People who use to have really bad insomnia, what did you do to resolve or improve it?

  1. Think each person is different. Personally, i’ve been prescribed meds, have used melatonin, zquil, and tried many other remedies. But, the thing that helped the most, and was a surprise to me, was a weighted blanket..

  2. Cycle ambien to get back into a legit sleep pattern. Work on sleep hygiene. It never completely goes away (for me) but it’ll be almost rotational. Since I was diagnosed, I had one period of about 2 years where I didn’t need anything to sleep normally.

  3. I haven’t resolved it but have improved it by reducing inflammatory foods. For me nightshades are the worst in general with things like peppers tending to be the worst specifically.

    You can try keeping a food journal and note if you sleep better or worse based on what you eat.

    The book Plant Paradox by Dr. Gundry helped me a lot.

  4. I use the method that has been successful for people for hundreds of years

    I concentrate on my breathing and inhale to a 4 to a count and then exhale to an 8 count while the full time feeling body start to get more and more relaxed and then I just keep repeating this till I fall asleep

    Breathe in a 4 count, breathe out an 8 count repeat

  5. i’ve tried just about everything. back ground noise, complete silence. heavy blankets, no covers at all. full pajamas to none at all. more pillows, less pillows. warm temps, cold temps. read a book. watch tv. stare at the ceiling. go for a walk before bed. warm shower. cold shower. take melatonin. try to keep regular bed times… the list is endless. i have complications because i can no longer sleep in my preferred sleeping position. i’ve tried staying awake until sleep deprivation sets in and i do fall asleep. only to wake up at a normal time, so i don’t get enough sleep.

    everything has worked for me, then it hasn’t. i have yet to find the surefire solution. it doesn’t help that i am a night owl and can stay awake as long as i want. when i was working regularly 36 hours on the job was easy. my now occasional occupation can be 16-20 hour days, with 12 being minimum.

  6. Literally prescribed drugs I’d be restless constantly waking up every morning not enough sleep, then nap during the day and it was awful

    I’d reset my sleep schedule a few times a week and still nothing


    My doctor prescribed me insomnia meds

  7. Sleep music on google mini and a weighted blanket. I also stopped caffeine after 1 pm and bought a bed air conditioner

  8. Studied sleep and took serious action

    Adjusted my diet

    Stopped eating by a certain time

    Stopped screen time leading up to bed

    Cooler temp

    Eye mask

    Storm noises

    Now I get consisten 7.5 hours a night and am up by 330am feeling refreshed for 530am Jiu-Jitsu and the rest of my day

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