Guys, how do you feel when you rejected a girl you’ve been in good terms with and she suddenly stops contacting you? Did you ever expect that to happen?

  1. Wow, that’s a tough situation. Rejection is never easy and it can be hard to figure out how someone will react. We suggest trying to stay in communication with the person if possible, and letting them know that you still care about them even if things don’t work out romantically.

  2. Sometimes rejection hurts a lot (even if it’s a polite rejection), and continued exposure to the one(s) who rejected you can make it difficult to get over the pain of rejection, so it’s understandable for rejected people to withdraw from those who rejected them.

  3. Like you just wanted to be friends and she wanted something more? She’s probably hurt. Give her space. She may not be able to be “just friends” with you. A lot of people can’t go back to that after they’ve developed feelings for someone.

  4. I mean, it’s expected

    I used to do that with girls that got bfs, now I don’t care and still wanna be friends with them

    If you reject a girl, there’s a chance she could still want to be friends with you ofc, but, there’s very much also the chance of her lessening – stopping contact all together with you, it’s expected and up to her

    If she stops contacting you, just, let it go

  5. You should expect this, and you should also do the same when getting rejected by a girl. It’s about moving on and not wasting your time.

  6. You have to understand what she’s feeling. Women are never expected to put themselves out there, so rejection for them is way worse than it is for us. Not only that, but add to that the pain of longing to have something more, but knowing it’ll never happen? She’s in a lot of pain, and being close to her will make it worse. So just give her some space and let her heal.

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