I just started talking to this girl, she goes to the same college as me, i know it’s not weird to me but I worry how other people will react to a older looking guy being with some that is smaller.

  1. What does it matter your age and what appeals to you? Do what you think is right NOT a bunch of strangers with their own personal preferences that may not align with yours.

  2. Not weird. Dwarves can be sexy, and while I’ve only ever seen them strip on stage and never actually spoken to one, I’m sure plenty of them have great personalities as well. Who cares what people will think, find a partner you have good chemistry with.

  3. Nah it’s not weird. And who gives a fuck what other people might think? Prioritize your own happiness. Life’s short

  4. Weird is not the right word because it has a negative connotation. There’s nothing bad about dating a girl with dwarfism. Now will you get looks? sure. is it out of the ordinary? absolutely. You will have to accept these things and brush them off if you want to date her.

  5. If y’all are of age and both consent then who gives a shit what people think. You do you man! Don’t worry what they think.

  6. What constitutes weird ? Why should it be weird, little persons can be as beautiful and as sexy as normal people, I am not trying to shame you or anything but if you find her attractive why would it be weird, let’s stop fetishizing different people and start accepting the fact that we come in all colors, shapes and sizes

  7. It’s definitely okay just two days ago i went to a religious Easter conference and the speaker was a man with a beautiful dwarf wife they are happily married with a son

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