Me (30F), been married to my husband (32) for now a year today! We didn’t have the big or perfect wedding, we simply eloped and went to the city and signed the marriage certificate. When we came back from that day, I wanted us to have or write our own vows since we hadn’t gotten the chance to do it. That kinda went under the water for some reasons I can’t now point to.
Afterwards, throughout the whole year, it did in a way affect me and then affect our marriage. He is very religious, so for him, it was more important to tie the knots and be good in God’s eyes (which I second as well), but the fact that I had not heard those promises, those words that I feel like would have grounded me more, those promises, or dreams of our future, affected me.
We talked about it.
Today, when we woke up, it looked like a normal day. Somewhere deep down, I had hoped that he would remember and think about something special and intentional for us. I need this more than he does from what I can see or perceive. I woke up and I had hoped that he would surprise me with a gift such as us taking the opportunity to write and exchange our vows. Have kind of a silly just us ceremony where we get to exchange them, and then perhaps have a bottle of wine and drink and enjoy the evening together.
If you think to yourself and say: why don’t u bring the idea to the table?
Well, I have tried in the past to have something similar to that, by asking him to share his feelings with me – beyond I love you. (I have seen him write poems, and I have seen a small letter that he wrote describing his grandmother, and it was beautiful), so I asked him to express himself or his feelings for me by writing. It didn’t go well. He said something along the lines that it has to be natural and come on it’s own, and not just words. So that’s why today even if I had that idea and could have brought it to the table, I didn’t and hoped that since we had talked about this before and since he knows how much I want this, he would wake up as a husband who is happy to have just spent a year with his new wife, and express himself, buy flowers, and perhaps also think about what we didn’t have the chance to do when we first got married and see today as a good opportunity to strengthen us, our foundation, etc.
Well I am feeling a little bit down. I talked to him about this and he said that the day is not over yet.
I feel like this should have been different. That today, you would wake up feeling grateful or happy or excited about the person you have been with for now a year, that there would be a spirit of joy and celebration. Maybe this is me being a woman with emotions, but I expected a different day, a different morning, a different everything.

  1. *Maybe this is me being a woman with emotions*

    No- This is not you being female. It’s you creating an expectation that you never expressed. You somehow expected him to read your mind, and then when he didn’t, you got upset. He may very well have planned to get you flowers, take you to dinner, or whatever later in the day. But you didn’t give him the chance to do anything, let alone the elaborate plan that you made in your head but didn’t express.

    Spouses cannot read minds. If something is important to you, you have to express how important it is to you.

  2. I’m confused. Are you guys didn’t make plans for your anniversary in advance or you did but he didn’t follow through?

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