So after a month of dating, she got a tattoo with my name on in on her upper thigh. Some that I have told tell me that it’s a good thing others that it’s a red flag and I should run.. what do you all think ?

  1. It’s certainly a bold statement and commitment.

    As a heavily tattooed person, I won’t do names and only have memorial pieces for people. Given enough time, people will piss you off and you’ll likely regret the piece.

    Does she have anyone else’s names on her? Or pieces done on others’ behalf?

  2. I don’t like tattoos in general, so a tat of my name is ridiculous, especially at that age.

  3. The only way I could see this going well is if you were also a lunatic and got her name at the same time… but it sounds like that isn’t the case… in which case, BIG YIKES.

  4. Well the only time someone got a tattoo on their body related to me, it was very weird and they were extremely intense/not cool in the end. I’d bail.

  5. This answer will depend on the person. If you guys didn’t talk about it, and she just went ahead and did that one month in, I personally be a little wigged out. But ultimately, you should be talking with her about this, not us.

  6. After a month? Unless you’re into toxic relationships I’d bail NOW. She’s putting your name on her THIS soon? I’m seeing Fatal Attraction all OVER her!

  7. Well some relationships really click. My mom and dad met and was married within 5 days and stayed married till his passing 23 years later. But if you guys are enjoying each other’s company and taking it easy. Well a thigh tattoo isn’t taking it easy.

    However she may have a domination fetish where she wants to feel owned by someone. I say that to my family and friends all the time that if a woman walks up and pees on my leg. I’m going home with her because she marked her territory and I’ll accept! 😉 lol.

    Seriously though. She may think you’d like it…it sounds like there’s just a lack of communication between the two of you that should definitely be happening before y’all go the route your at.

    I’d suggest talking with her and finding why she was compelled to do so. If it’s because she wants you all the time now. Then she may have abandonment issues for which she should seek counseling for.

    There’s just a number of things happening here which yes is a red flag for sure but until you know the cause, you are making a blind assumption to run or stay. Get all the information then be honest with her either way you decide

  8. I’ve been with my partner for 4 years. Even a symbolic tattoo without names or initials would weird us both out. Branding someone’s name into your skin is reserved for blood relatives and your children. She may try to make you feel guilty. “How dare you leave me when I’m so committed I’ll tattoo your name onto me”. Don’t fall for it. Run. High knees. Don’t look back. Don’t meet her alone. Change your locks. Maybe get a security camera cuz this is an unpredictable individual.

  9. That’s next level crazy. If you want to date someone with zero impulse control and a tendency for horrible choices, well, you’ve found that.

  10. Just my 2 cents here, but before you do anything drastic based on stranger’s responses on reddit, I think you should ask yourself these questions.

    1. Is she overly attached and clingy beyond what is normal in a relationship?
    2. If you answered yes to the above, ask youself if boundaries may improve her clinginess.
    3. Do you see a future with her?

    I mean in all honesty I getwhy everyone is sounding the alarms. But it’s just a tattoo. She’s clearly into you if she would go that far. And if u see a future with her, then what does it matter? Good luck with whatever you decide to do tho.

  11. Red flag dude… run. You have entered the realm of the psycho stalker girlfriend. Anyone with half a brain would never get a permanent tattoo of someone’s name that they’ve only been dating a month. (I know, they can be lasered off) but who does that???? I was married for 20 years when my husband wanted to get my name tattooed on his chest. I put my foot down and said no. After 32 years of marriage, he cheated, and now we’re divorced. After I filed for divorce, I told him “I bet you’re glad now that I wouldn’t let you get my name tattooed on your chest”. He didn’t respond lol

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