I met a girl online about 2 years ago. We were just friends until 9 months ago when we decided to go exclusive to eachother and wait until we can meet. I’m in love, I plan on marrying this girl. However, she has told me and the friends we play online with many things about herself that just don’t add up. She’s claimed to have a huge twitch following but refuses to tell anyone what it is. Claims she makes 100’s of thousands from it but constantly can’t spend any online because “her card won’t work on her psn”, or she doesn’t want to spend it because she won’t stop. About a month ago her headset broke and she refused to get another. Why would it be an issue if you make that much? Only people who knew her twitch were irl friends. Which leads me to another suspicious possible lie. I don’t believe her friends that were in our group chats were real. We never see them, never talk to them, never hear them in the background, they don’t see any messages in the group chats ever until she messages towards them then they appear immediately and respond. One joined us for the first time not long ago on minecraft, no mic ofc, and she and him never moved at the same time once. If he’s walking around she’s in a corner standing still, if she’s moving around he’s just standing there. I watched closely and never once was it at the same time. What disturbs me about if they weren’t ever real is the fact that they at times treated me like shit. She always treated me great and was always nice but they would be complete assholes at times. When one first showed up he went to a party of hers and messaged me the whole time saying she looked hot etc. Then went through her phone and mocked me that he was In a locked room with her holding her hair while she threw up and I wasn’t. If it turned out it was her the whole time giving me one of the worst nights of my life then Idk what I’ll do. I can’t confront her either, she’s very sensitive and last time I confronted her about something serious in our relationship she tried to off herself because she took it as me not liking who she is and that shes not good enough. She’s been suicidal since before I met her, she says being with me saved her life because I make her so happy. More confusion comes from the suicide attempts too. They’ve been stopped by the friends I don’t believe are real. So if they aren’t, then realistically the attempts aren’t too. Her friends also pass around instagram accounts like nothing for some reason. Her recent friend that just started coming around, a brother of a friend I don’t believe in, is on an account of another friend of hers I haven’t heard from in a while. There’s so much more that lead me to them not being real I just can’t list them all. On top of it all, she has 2 kids, both are real, I’ve seen them. But the youngest kids father died before she was born, but guess what, he didn’t. He faked it and is back. I told her to not let him in their life because he faked dead and abandoned them both but no, he’s staying. And right now at this moment of writing, he’s with my gf and her aunt at the movies. But I shouldn’t be jealous or worried right? At least my girlfriend says I shouldn’t be. I really don’t know what to do anymore.

  1. You’re dating a fictional character, essentially. You can *not* take the responsibility for her actions onto your shoulders. You are not responsible for her mental health, she is.

    I don’t know that the ex ever really faked his death. That sounds like another obvious lie, especially with him popping back up and she’s just accepted him back into her life like nothing.

    Bottom line, she’s using you. Be that for money or something more nebulous, like companionship, I don’t know, but there’s absolutely nothing to be gained by continuing this when you know she’s lying about so much.

  2. 1. She’s fabricated a great deal of her life because she has issues and is very insecure.
    2. You’d have to be a fool to believe her story about earning big bucks.
    3. Her friends are made-up.
    4. I’m betting $50 that the verbal abuse which came from her phone by the “Friend” towards you, was in fact from her.
    5. “but no, he’s staying”- I’m betting another $50 that the guy never left in the 1st place.

    Sorry, but what exactly is your relationship with this lady; does any of it actually exist IRL, or this relationship mostly an online one?

    It sounds an awful lot like you’re dating a lady with a lot of issues and whose making up stories (as well as lashing out in disguise) for attention and you have almost no real clue at all who this person actually is.

  3. Sweetie, she’s not real. I’m so sorry, you’re being catfished. Even if she is a real person, she’s constructed a big elaborate lie of a life. It sucks to hear, but it’s the truth.



    She is using her trauma to manipulate you. This is called EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL.
    In every manipulative relationship, this is used TO TRAP THEIR PARTNER IN A RELATIONSHIP HE/SHE NO LONGER DESIRES TO CONTINUE.

    You need to work on Boundaries and stop letting women deceive you so easily.

    And NO MORE LDR.

  5. Sounds like a compulsive liar, which might be forgiven if she got help. However, she deliberately tried to make you feel awful and jealous. You might be able to forgive lies that don’t hurt anyone but she created lies to hurt you.

    She may also be immature and much younger than what she actually say she is, because she’s acting like a very insecure, immature, and VERY YOUNG teen.

    Walk away.

  6. She is 14 years old.

    I did that shit too when I was 13, pretending to be older and very popular. (And the kids you saw – are siblings and aunt – her mother.)

  7. My dude she ain’t real. Your feelings might be real, but they’re for a person who literally does not exist. You say you “can’t leave her”, but there is nothing to leave because *she is not real*. She’s as real as a dream you’ve had it a book you’ve read. I’m sorry it sucks but if you care about your mental health, you’ll block this person who is pretending to be the girl you’re falling for

  8. This person that you are in love with doesn’t exist. Other than it is a person you are dealing with that is it. The rest is fiction. It’s all manipulation. Cut her off and get back to real life. Having a virtual girlfriend is unrealistic to sustain. Plus her emotional blackmail (claims to be suicidal) is abusive.

  9. Look up Manti Teo. Watch the documentary about him if you can. He also fell in love with a girl in an online-only relationship. They would chat, text, even talk on the phone. She told him she was in and out of the hospital, she faked friends and relatives that he talked with as well. Ultimately faked her own death, then “came back” from the dead. Turned out this girlfriend was a man, it was all a lie, and the fall out destroyed his career.

    You’re in love with the character this person has created. But they are not that character. They could be a man, or 50 years old, or anything other than what they’re presenting to you. This is so obviously fake and very unhealthy for you. Please, get out of it right away.

  10. You are in love with a non existent person. You have been talking to a screaming red flag and unapologetic liar. Soon you will be the victim of her lies. You will be accused of something and she will use that for attention from the next guy. Prob accuse you of something with her kids if I had to guess.

  11. You haven’t even met her irl and you want to marry her despite all the red flags she’s throwing? You don’t know this girl. She’s not sensitive…she doesn’t want to get called out on her BS. She is manipulative by threatening suicide if you break up. This girl needs therapy not a relationship

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