For some short context, I broke up with my ex about 7 months ago after almost 2 years together. I thought I was completely over him but recently found out he was seeing someone new. I can’t help but feel jealous and compare myself to her. Why do I feel this way? How do I stop feeling this way? Does this mean I’m not actually over my ex?
If any of you guys have similar stories I’d love to hear them too. I guess I’m just feeling strange because this is something I’ve never felt before.

TLDR: Ex is seeing someone new and I don’t know why I feel jealous.

  1. You feel jealous because you’re used to feeling like he only liked you. You don’t need to like him still to feel that way. It just kinda happens.

    It’ll go away on its own

  2. Let me get this straight: You broke up with your ex…and now you’re upset that he’s accepted it and has moved on?

    Why would you be jealous? He didn’t choose her over you. You told him you didn’t want him, and he moved on.

  3. You’re 18. I’m 39.

    A bit of older wisdom… every ex you have will also be with someone new. Life doesn’t end after a break up. When you get older you might have 1-2 exes, or you might have 20-30 exes, but all of them will find someone new for some period of time. Wait until the cheating ex marries the affair partner, after you’ve been engaged, after you’re planning a life… shit happens.

    Don’t feel weird or strange. It’s natural to feel like this. It’s actually good that you recognize it and wonder why you do. You had a strong emotional connection and that takes time to let go of, even if you don’t want to get back with them, even if you don’t like them very much, or even if you ended on the best of terms.

    It’s a natural thing, there’s nothing wrong with you, just try your best not to see him, whether it’s social media or in person.

  4. I suspect you always felt that even though you didn’t want your ex, you always had the option to get him back if you changed your mind. Now, it may not be an option. That’s why you compare yourself to her.

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