Gaming is ruining my marriage.

My husband stays up gaming and talking to his friends on discord until as late as 1 or 2 am. It’s 5/6 out of 7 days a week (sometimes all 7) although he tries to say it’s not that often when I keep track of it and know for a fact it is. Almost like he is gaslighting me and is trying to change reality. Then he gets up for work the next day at 8:30am and rushes out the door because he only has 20 minutes to get ready and is in a bad mood most days. He is so unpleasant if I interrupt his gaming or if I ask him to spend time with me. If I turn the game off because I’m annoyed, he throws a temper tantrum and cusses me out. He tells me his brothers girlfriend doesn’t react this way, but his brother is 5 years younger and a very recent college grad. We are both working full time and expecting a child – not the same scenario.

I gave him the ultimatum the other night to stay up and game but sleep on the couch or to get off the game and come to bed. Of course he chose to stay up and game and slept downstairs.

Tonight I asked him if we could hang out and watch a movie to which he agreed, but then fell asleep at 9:15pm. This infuriated me because he can stay up hours later than this with “his boys” but not his wife. I woke him up because I was furious. Then he tried to blame it on me because I texted my mom back and he said “I’m always on my phone.” Just deflecting and always has a reason for why he does things. I made him leave our bedroom. Maybe he would be able to stay up past 9:15pm if he wasn’t up all week gaming while working full time.

It is causing me to resent my husband and seriously consider leaving him. This was never a problem before marriage and now it’s become unbearable. I am so turned off and disgusted. I feel like I’m dating a high schooler. For reference he’s a 27 y/o m. Advice and opinions welcome

1 comment
  1. I personally HATE watching movies or TV. And instantly fall asleep when I do. With my boyfriend or not. I’ll just pass out. But when I game I can game for literally 20 hours and not get tired. Tv may not be his hobby.

    Find something else to do with him. Maybe set up a date night. Or try to game with him. My man and I just spent 12 hours playing World of Warcraft together. And it was a blast.

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