How do you deal with climate anxiety?

  1. I do my small part in making things better (or, at least, not contributing to it). I also opted not to have children, to be really honest, because I didn’t want to directly put someone in the line of fire.

    Otherwise, I just accept what I can’t personally change. Live my life. Enjoy my moments. And don’t let anxiety steal whatever joy I have.

  2. I don’t have kids, don’t travel much, try to reduce my waste as much as possible. It’s hard just trying to exist in modern society without producing a huge amount of waste.

  3. I remind myself that the upcoming largest economy in the world, China, is taking climate change VERY seriously and investing trillions of dollars into carbon neutral/negative initiatives.

  4. Seriously I’d want to know this especially those who have kids or want to have kids how do you handle the crippling climate anxiety and the impending resources depletion fears and what the kids will go through in this ruthless world

  5. Reading these comments makes me unbelievably sad.
    I was born in 1970. That year it was “predicted” that within 20 years global warming would cause mass starvation that would kill the majority of humans.
    Since then, for my entire life, we were told every few years that we had just 10 or 20 years until it was “too late”. The prognosticators of doom have been wrong for more than 50 years.
    Live as responsibly as you reasonably can. Have a family, be happy. Stop stressing.
    Realize that China and India have the largest populations on the planet and are BY FAR the largest polluters.
    Living miserable and in fear makes no impact on the problems in Asia.

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